This is an excerpt from our Summer 2015 issue. Subscribe here to have the summer issue and the following three issues delivered direct to your door.
Cultivating a loving relationship with you.
By Mary Berkery
Self-love may have received bad press stemming from some religious concepts on love and service, as well as possibly having the negative connotations that may come from looking at it as a selfishness or being wrapped up in ourselves. We live in a world where we can see how self-interest has created division between rich and poor, influenced wars, created ecological problems as well as heartbreak in relationships and communities. We have seen too what happens when someone gives too much to others and neglects their own life. Resentment may build up progressing to burnout or illness.
The dictionary definition of self-love is, “the belief you hold that you are a valuable and worthy person. An example of self love is when you have a positive view of yourself and are confident in yourself and your place in the world.”
Faith, my mentor at a young age, often said: “Mary give from the overflow of your life. Keep your own cup filled then give from what overflows.” To a friend – Ann who gave much to her children – she would say “Ann, take care of number one, then you can truly care for your children.” Being able to say no is as important as saying yes. But how can we develop this incredibly important skill?
This is an excerpt from our Summer 2015 issue. Subscribe here to have the summer issue and the following three issues delivered direct to your door.
Mary Berkery is a personal development life coach. She is available for one to one sessions in person, via telephone or Skype.