Live Your Dreams Awake – Master The Art of Manifestation and Supercharge Your Life!
Patricia Lohan
Live Your Dreams Awake
Ready to Tap into More Joy, More Love, More Connection, More Fun?
We recently caught up with the amazing Patricia Lohan from Live Your Dreams Awake.
Patricia is an author, speaker and Feng Shui expert. She has helped thousands of people bring positive energy into their homes. Her expertise goes way beyond the home to look at how you can attract positive energy into your life, sharing her tips and advice so you can transform the flow of energy into all aspects of your life.
Patricia is curating a wonderful event that is taking place Saturday April 9th. This one day event is focused on helping people shake up their lives and find the blockages to help their energy flow in a positive direction and raise their vibration. More importantly this is a day to connect and have fun!
Are you the glue that holds everything together… But secretly, you’re terrified you might fall apart any second?Do you feel stuck in life and can’t budge…no matter what you try? Do you need a BIG reboot after all the craziness in the world? If so, it’s time for you to try internal Feng Shui.
It’s time to come together with Like Minded Women, Raise your energy, shift your state and learn how to be in the energy of Flow, Joy, Love, Abundance and Peace every single day… “Live Your Dreams Awake” is a self-development event that’ll…??shake things up & get you UNstuck and ?help you to air out, purge, and get rid of emotional goo. Patricia will assist you in stepping into the best version of You. To access your deepest desires and dreams and give you the direct PATH to calling them in.
If you’re ready to work on your PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE by: Letting go of the false limiting beliefs, blocks, negative energy, people & things. Recognizing exactly where you are right now. Getting supreme clarity on what you really want & who you want to be. Opening the door & confidently heading to the best future possible… “Live Your Dream Awake” has been put on your path for a reason! I’m Ready to help you live your dreams Awake!
Patricia’s ethos is all about inclusion and with that in mind, tickets for LYDA are offered on a sliding scale from $22 (yes you read that correctly), with the intention of making the event accessible to as many people as possible!