This is an excerpt from our spring 2015 issue, out now. Stockists | Subscribe
Four Ways to Not Get a Hangover
By Samuel Bishop.
“You might as well be dancing around naked like a mad yoke with your eyes closed in your own bedroom.”
A few weeks ago, I found myself in a pitch-black, Dublin city centre basement at 7pm on a Wednesday, surrounded by pumping techno. Not only could I not see anyone, I had no idea who was there. Only if I looked deep enough into the darkness could I make out silhouettes of fellow attendees. This was my first experience of the Soda Bread Box, the no-lights, no-alcohol, no-dress-code dance session new to Dublin.
I think the magic of it is that you can’t see anyone and they can’t see you. This isn’t about hooking up, or meeting new people, it’s about full-on dancing, in whatever way your body and mind want to take you – a whole new experience.
And it’s just one of a number of alcohol-free events that I have had the pleasure of trying out over the past year. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not here to advise you what not to do; some of my favourite moments have been spent with a creamy pint in hand. What I am keen to point out is that there is a drastic lack of social spaces that do not require you to buy an alcoholic beverage. So when new spaces and events pop-up that challenge the way of life wherein heading to the pub more often than not means leaving locked, it’s all the more important to shout about them and celebrate them.
Read about the rest of them in the spring issue of Positive Life out now. Stockists | Subscribe
In addition, check out Paddy’s Day Unlocked for a family-friendly, alcohol free Paddy’s Day Celebration presented by Happenings.
Samuel is events coordinator at Happenings & Street Feast. You can connect with him on Twitter at @samue1.