Dr. Anthony Sharkey (MB, Bch, BA0, DCH, Trinity 1982) is Ireland’s only medically qualified doctor specializing in the use of Mindful EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for serious illness.
EFT has been clinically effective in thousands of cases for trauma, abuse, stress, fear, Children’s Issues and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains, asthma and other breathing difficulties. When EFT is properly applied with Mindfulness, it results in both substantial and measurable improvement or a total cessation of the problem entirely.
PL: Could you tell us in the most simplistic fashion, “What is EFT?”
A: Most people know about the use of acupuncture to treat physical pain. It has now been discovered that the same acupuncture procedures can also be used to treat emotional pain. Think of EFT as acupuncture without needles for the treatment of emotional pain.
PL: Why does EFT get people to focus on the negative? This seems to go against the popular philosophy of only focusing on the positive?
A: When you ‘focus on the negative’ this means that you are bringing your mindfulness to an essentially painful experience that has not gone away despite your previous best efforts. You focus very deliberately to enable you to apply EFT to it. This is a very conscious, mindful act – obviously a quite different process from passively allowing your mind to repeatedly go into an emotionally painful place and, somehow, remain stuck there.
PL: What could someone expect when they go for a session with you?
A: The essence of a session is that I guide a person to connect with their issue and hold it in mind. As they do this they tap on designated points on their head and chest area. At the same time they repeat phrases that are specific to their case. Obviously there is an art to becoming clear and specific about exactly how to proceed here and that is where mindful awareness comes in. I also use muscle testing to guide me.
PL: Can you really learn to do it for yourself or is it best to go to a practitioner?
A: Yes, you can learn how to do it for yourself. There are plenty of examples of ordinary people on the emofree.com website who just came across the technique, tried it on themselves and found that they had totally cured themselves – sometimes of very serious disease! If you are not getting results, this is often because of aspects of your case that are specific to you. This is where we at the EFT Clinic come in. We are practiced in uncovering these aspects for you and I would suggest calling us, as we offer a free 20-minute telephone consultation.
PL: Have you any recent success stories?
A: Yes, things have recently gone on to a new level. A few days ago I had an impromptu session with a nurse who had been in constant pain after an attack of shingles. After the EFT treatment, her pain went down to a degree that she had never experienced without the help of painkillers. She was impressed. I was impressed! It doesn’t happen with every single patient, but that kind of sudden, dramatic stuff is now quite common for me. On my recent seminar, everyone who came forward experienced a massive improvement live onstage, so that was nice! In fact my promotional text for that seminar at Cultivate read:
“JUST DROP IN TO SEE PEOPLE BEING HEALED. It goes against the grain to say this as a Doctor but that is what you are going to see on the day, it’s as simple as that.”
Dr. Sharkey’s clinic: 086 254 3762
Email: doc.sharkey@gmail.com