Our winter issue is winging its way from the printers and will be with you all this coming week. Check your local health stores and holistic centres, or subscribe online to have positive thinking, inspirational quotes and insightful stories delivered direct to your doorstep. We want you to know how to be happy.
After years of excitement and speculation, December 2012 is finally here. In our feature, we asked our old friends Eckhart Tolle, Dr Masaru Emoto, Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden to share their insights about the end of the Mayan Calendar on the Winter Solstice, and moving into the Aquarian Age and this new beginning we’re all navigating at the moment.
We’ve also got tons of great articles on Health, Diet, Sustainability, Astrology, Feng Shui, The Law of Attraction, Beauty, Intuition and more. Why not order your copy now?