The Olive Tree Studio
By Estelle Birdy
A growing, living, breathing space.
Time has flown since I took over the lovely Olive Tree Studio in February 2013. The work to get the studio to where it should be continues, but what fun the past nine months have been!
The teachers and therapists who worked there before me couldn’t have been kinder or more generous with their welcome. The space itself felt just perfect to me but what has happened since, was a wonderful surprise.
The studio has attracted new people; dance teachers of all kinds, karate senseis, acupuncturists, sound therapists, new yoga teachers, tarot readers, new massage therapists. There seems to be an endless sea of energy. Our afternoons see it filled with laughter at our kids yoga, dance and karate classes. Our mornings and evenings filled with the bliss of yoga, dance, meditation and pilates classes for all ages and abilities.
Our treatment room is constantly busy with massage, acupuncture, Feldenkrais, tarot and sound therapy clients. Our website, a work in progress, has been totally revamped. Mirrors and a ballet barre added to our studio equipment and yet there’s still lots to do.
It’s a labour of love to continue growing it into a calm oasis where people of all ages can come for a time out. It’s a small studio with a big heart and that is down to the beautiful people who work at the studio and the endless good humour and energy of those who attend our classes.