Home Happiness Retrain That Brain Rewire For Health with Positive Responses

Retrain That Brain Rewire For Health with Positive Responses

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Taken from our Winter 2014 issue. Subscribe here to have our Spring issue delivered direct to your door.

Retrain your brain.

Dr. Tammy Verlaan-Ross, a neurologically based chiropractor explains «We cannot eliminate stress; in fact we need it. But what we can do is change how we respond to it and that makes the world look quite different. The Life and Balance Centre where Dr. Verlaan-Ross works offers something called ‘The NeuroInfi niti Stress Response Evaluation’ and it’s currently the only place in Ireland where it’s available. The non-invasive test measures brain wave activity, heart rate variability, muscle activity and four other responses in the body to different types of stress, along with measuring our ability to regain balance and recover.

Dr. Verlaan-Ross notes, “Often, when people first present to us, they say “I do everything right. I exercise, I eat healthily, I try to reduce my stress, but I’m still in pain, I can’t sleep, I have headaches, or I’m tired all the time.” With our technology, we can really see what the body is doing on the inside and most importantly, change it.” The latest research in chiropractic studies shows that there are changes to how the brain processes information after chiropractic care. These changes in neurological responses improve our ability to cope with stress.

This is referred to as neuroplasticity and is the body’s ability to adapt to the environment, build new patterns, recreate new connections and essentially rewire itself. What the Life and Balance Centre do is combine this understanding of our bodies, with your personal results and neurologically based chiropractic care and peak performance biofeedback/neurofeedback training to train the body and mind to optimal function and performance.


Taken from our Winter 2014 issue. Subscribe here to have our Spring issue delivered direct to your door.

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