Home Law of Attraction Autumn Sneak Peek: The Law of Attraction with Dee Wallace

Autumn Sneak Peek: The Law of Attraction with Dee Wallace

by Dee Wallace

Equalising the Energy Balance

Do unto yourself as unto others.

This is a sneak peek from our autumn 2015 issue, out now. Pick one up free in one of our stockists around the country to read the full article, or subscribe to have it delivered.


By Dee Wallace

I have been, and still am, tracking something and I am not quite clear about what it is. I thought it was regarding money. Now, as always, it is morphing into something much larger and it is an interesting one with lots to glean from it already. It has to do with a shift of energy between the ‘rules’ we keep for ourselves, and those we have for other energy. It began to crystalise in front of me in New York, as I watched myself and others fl uctuate in what we were claiming, how to get it, and how that affected other energy.

This is what I saw:

  1. An inequality of happiness and freedom as we were actually creating what we want. This usually came from a deep-seated belief that we couldn’t/wouldn’t get it anyway, or that we had to struggle to get it, so we wouldn’t allow ourselves to acknowledge we were creating it.
  2. We settled for less and then made excuses that whatever we created was enough. And then we said it was enough.
  3. We thought there should/had to be more. So we were never content.

All this, in one way or another, led to an inequality of the exchange of energy. It also pointed to the fact that we are not actually saying what we want, knowing the experience of joy after fully receiving it. The quote the channel gave me: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I want to extend that to ourselves, also: Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you. Are we giving ourselves the love?

This is a sneak peek from our autumn 2015 issue, out now. Pick one up free in one of our stockists around the country to read the full article, or subscribe to have it delivered.



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