The cover star of our Summer 2020 issue was renowned Indian mystic and teacher Sadhguru, who spoke to us about what lies ahead for humanity. We previously shared an extract of this article to our website, as a sneak peek, and now, we are posting the whole thing. Read on and enjoy!
Inner Engineering
Sneak Peek: Our Summer 2020 Conversation with Sadhguru
The cover star of our newly-released Summer 2020 issue is the renowned Indian mystic and teacher Sadhguru. He spoke to us about what lies ahead for humanity. What’s next? For a sneak peek of the article, read on!
Today, we are excited to share a sneak peek from our recently released Summer 2019 issue. Indian mystic Sadhguru sat down with us for a conversation on evolution, his Inner Engineering programme, the yogic path and more. To read the full article, pick up a copy of our new magazine in your local stockist, or subscribe to have a copy delivered right to your door.
Sadhguru is an Indian yogi and a mystic with an enormous passion for helping people to access their Divine wisdom. Inner Engineering is his method for helping people to reach their peak potential. He is visiting London for a two-day course in Inner Engineering Completion on April 20th and 21st, which is preceded by a prerequisite Inner Engineering online course. Read on to learn more!