Home Holistic Health The Benefits of Biomagnetism

The Benefits of Biomagnetism

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Gratitude for my return to wellness


This is taken from the winter 2015/2016 issue of Positive Life. Subscribe | Stockists

By Wendy Harris

I had found myself at breaking point. I was suffering daily with an ongoing right sided pain, swelling, dizziness and nausea, unable to work and struggling most days just to get through. Doctors were unable to pinpoint nor assist with the pain over the prolonged period of time that I was being referred and tested. I was recommended to the Institute of Biomagnetism and it was truly a saving grace and the only treatment that had any positive effect for me.

As soon as I started Biomagnetism treatment, there was improvement, the pain would subside and the swelling gradually reduced. It turned out that I had multiple, reoccurring ovarian cysts and various other underlying issues caused by different pathogens, all of which have resolved following treatment. An added bonus was that the sessions also treated my ongoing sinus and throat issues that I had been enduring for many years not to mention the flu last winter as well!

Not only did Raymond assist me in healing physically, he has also assisted in raising my energy levels and returning me back to me. The Institute offers a truly unique service that has been of tremendous benefit for me.

biomagnetism.ie | raymondcadwell.ie

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