This is a sneak peek from our Winter 2016 issue amazing interview with Teal Swan. The issue is out now. Pick one up free in one of our stockists around the country to read the full article, or subscribe to have it delivered.
By Gavin Ryan & Paul Congdon
Teal Swan has been labelled a Spiritual Catalyst, someone who provokes change in those that she encounters. Born with an innate sensitivity, she has survived the most brutal of childhoods. She outlines this in tragic detail on her site. From such dark beginnings, she has somehow managed to develop the wisdom and strength that she can use to help others release their emotional blocks.
Her latest book The Completion Process is a handbook that teaches how to resolve all past trauma and begin to re own those suppressed aspects of the self in order to experience true freedom.
She spoke to a packed and enthralled theatre at our Positive Nights event in Dublin. It was an experience all of us there are likely to remember for a long time.
You are a ‘sensitive’. How do you hold that so it doesn’t overwhelm you?
I let myself be impacted by what I feel. It can be overwhelming at times, but I don’t resist it. With positive focus and that kind of stuff, you can make a jail cell beautiful. If you want to change a system that’s really fl awed, you need to let yourself be affected by the things that you feel. That’s where the motivation to act comes from. When we see suffering, it gives us the momentum to do something about it.
When something supposedly negative happens, how do we stay positive?
Positive focus is a really useful tool except when it’s used to suppress. What I call spirituality 101, says that I must stay positive in order to manifest what I want So we try to ignore the negative of what’s going on. What this doesn’t take into account is that our subconscious mind has the ability of thinking ten negative thoughts in the time it takes us to think one positive. So if you think of momentum, the momentum is going to be with the negative even when someone is consciously focussing on positive thinking.
This is just a sneak peek. Read the whole interview with Teal in the Winter issue 2016, out now! Stockists | Subscribe