Home EventsCultural Events Positive Vibes Majestic May: Kevin James, Sarah McLean, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Healthy Supplements and more!!

Positive Vibes Majestic May: Kevin James, Sarah McLean, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Healthy Supplements and more!!

by Admin

Majestic May! We are in full spring now! May has brought us the gift of  beautiful weather to our emerald Isle and we are LOVING it! The busy bees are out, plans for BBQ’s and outside events are running smoothly; the sky is blue and all is well with the world. We have an amazing list of recommendations for you including Positive Nights events,  A one of a kind theatre presentation, Kevin James and friends, and much more! Get ready because our Summer issue is coming out June 1st and is a seriously  bumper issue! We have interviews with the insightful Eckhart Tolle, the beautiful Deva Premal, Brain and meditation expert Joe Dispenza and plenty more! Sign up here to get  a hot copy in your postbox!

Foggy Forest With Awesome Light Rays Sun

Dr. Joe Dispenza in Ireland!

Joe Dispenza

Date: September 29- October 1st

Royal Dublin Society (RDS), Merrion Road, Ballsbridge

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Workshop returns to Dublin in 2017 presenting a unique three day workshop where Joe will lead you through the language of science to reveal the latest research and findings of how to step into a new personal reality!

Don’t miss our exclusive interview with Dr. Dispenza in the coming Summer issue!

You can get tickets and learn more here!

Healthy Supplements for Family & Pets!

Family at home

Diatomaceus Earth Ireland brings you  the naturally occurring Silica compound that can be of much benefit to us when included in our meals. Some of the benefits are Healthier Colon, Increased energy, Healthier skin & Healthy hair. Our family, including our pets can use it as well as a natural boost, and  its organic.

Well worth checking out:

check their products here.

Healthy & Delicious Food Bars!

healthy snack, muesli bars

Near to Nature offer a snack bar that is a healthier and handier option for your busy day. In fact these N2N bars are much more than just a snack, they are what we like to call ‘a functional food’! The bars are hand-made in small batches  at Crossagalla Food Kitchens in Ballysimon, Limerick.

We tried their Turmeric bar and it  is gorgeous! Check here for their products.

Positive Nights: Sarah McLean & The Power of Attention


Date: Thursday May 11th, 2017

The Powerscourt Theatre, Dublin 2

A long-time meditator and teacher, Sarah shares how attention is the most powerful—yet frequently overlooked—currency we humans are endowed with. She will  be our guest at Positive Nights to help us  discover how to reclaim our power of attention so you can hear the call to living your most creative, fulfilling, and peaceful life. She is recommended by, among many others, Deepak Chopra and Byron Katie.

Click here to learn more & to book your place!

You can also check her site here for more events in Ireland and worldwide!

One Night Only: The Watchmaker!


Date: May 5th, 2017

Location: Olympia Theatre

The Watchmaker ballet touches upon a universal issue: that of happiness, of self-actualisation and well-being available to us every day. This ballet is unique in the way that it brings street dance into the theatre and gives it a central focus. We love the vibe the artwork and the people, lovely work.

It is for sure a beautiful presentation with amazing dancers, Dont miss it! click here for tickets.

Kevin James & Friends in Dublin!


Date: May 13th

Location: IrishTown Gospel Hall, Dublin 4

Kevin James with Kim Kindersley and special guests! Double Dublin session. Deep mystical kirtan with a bolt of lightning.They  have moved the circle closer to the city this time and are  running two consecutive nights!

check here for more info and tickets!

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