Home Good Life Spirituality in the City – Winter 2019/20 Edition

Spirituality in the City – Winter 2019/20 Edition

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We absolutely love the Spirituality in the City section of our magazine, where readers describe the beautiful human experiences that have brought meaning and joy into their lives. Read on below for our Winter 2019/20 edition, in which readers answered the question, ‘what does love mean to me?’

Natasha Vavasour

Love, to me, is the human spirit: the tiny spark of genuine kindness that lives innately within all of us. It’s the person carrying flowers down the road with a giant smile to give to a lover, the pang in your heart as you hear another’s story, the explosion within when we see a newborn baby’s eyes, or the moment of bliss whilst watching your children sleeping, The joy that’s so heartfelt it results in tears. That tiny seed of truth that resides inside of us. The golden thread that connects us all and makes being human the sweetest experience. Love is the oneness we all share, beyond the masks and beliefs. That moment we act altruistically without thought or contemplation – it just happens. We just choose kindness, vulnerability and service, and in turn we feel connection. That’s Love to me!

Ramon Horca

What is love? For me, it’s an elusive undercurrent: fleeting, but ever present. Unwavering, even when you convince yourself there’s nothing to grasp.  I’m talking of self-love. Simple, right? But I can sometimes forget the basics. Be kind to yourself. Eat well. Sleep well. Be grateful. If I can’t find love for myself first, then how can I fully love those I hold closest?  It’s a constant second guess. Some days I feel it, some I don’t, but I know it’s there, waiting to soak its glow into every thread of my day. Let it in. Fill my bucket. Then keep it that way. Fill myself up with love. Every day. A piece of music. A glance of affection. A kiss. My children’s faces. Watch my words. Speak love language. Remedies for my self-love conundrum. Soon, I’ll be a light when I couldn’t see the path.

Cécile Adèle

What I found in love is this beautiful inner strength to be independent enough to make the other person simply happy. Love pushes me to be a more consistent person. I try to listen, rather than guess, because I love the other person and it’s doesn’t matter what I think in the end. We can surf on that vibe of the unknown to include a bigger dimension than ourselves and just be together. It’s so nice to move through that.

Love helps me to overcome my basic self and join something higher that I can’t control indeed. Love has no form: it’s not linear. It brings us back to the essence of what is happening right now … and all is harmony.

Love pushes us to act differently. It’s a bridge, if we want it: a way to elevate our vibration. It’s the best way to reach a new perspective of yourself and life: to be bigger, softer, cooler. It’s an adventure.

Declan Hammond

Love is the reason I’m here on this planet. Love softens me, cracks me open, heals my brokenness and constantly calls me back to myself. It is my invitation to aliveness, to intimacy and my deepest connections.

Looking into my new-born son’s face, I saw the face of God looking back at me and felt myself dissolve into an ocean of unconditional love. As I gazed in wonder, this shining face morphed repeatedly into other faces that I’d loved, back through the mists of time. We named him Eilifúr (Icelandic for ‘eternal one’). 

In him, I saw myself mirrored back. His bright spirit shone with an intensity that exposed my shadows and challenged me to let my own love-light shine. His sudden death at 26 broke my heart wide open, to the knowing that love has no beginning or end. There is just love.



Simone O’Rourke

Love, for me, is pure light. It is not limited or reflected by the body or the mind, but the spirit.

Love of spirit is unconditional: it is a bliss to love others from your own soul. It is natural and priceless. There is no greater gift.

I love my little daughter. Her body and mind will change, but my love of all that she is, is unchangeable and eternal.

I love her because she is lovable and part of the creation in all its splendour. I dedicate and declare my love for her every day.

There is no fear in true love: no limit or control. In fact, giving fully is receiving fully.

Don’t contain your love to protect your heart. Love is fuel and life.

Marcel Pawlak

Love is a spark of light! I believe we should strike sparks of Love whenever we can: when we smile, talk, hug, breathe, or pet the dog. By sharing Love sparks, we share Light and Goodness. Love, for me, is a joy which we should share with the others. I am grateful for every minute, finding love in good vibes, interesting discussions, rainy days, old memories. The little Love sparks are in the air we breathe, but we often refuse to notice them. I do believe that Love is like beautiful and precious butterfly, and I believe when the time is right, it will sit on your arm. Some of the ones you love will stay longer, and some choose to fly away. But even then, we must look for the Love sparks in little things.

I love you, Mom.

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