We absolutely love the sacred sounds of Deva Premal and Miten, so it was a true honour for us to delve into Deva’s new single, OM, for our Summer 2020 issue. Our co-editor, Alison, wrote a beautiful account of her experience with it. Read on to enjoy her words in full!
Harmonious Healing
The incantation of OM
by Alison McEvoy
Deva Premal is a world renowned singer of devotional music and chants. She travels the world with her band and musical partner, and guide, Miten. Both are devoted to showering the healing power of sound on as many people as possible. Deva recently released her twenty third album which was nominated for Best New Age Album at this years Grammy awards.
The Hertz of Harmony
It’s 8am and baby just went back to sleep. A droning starts outside a few moments after my head sinks back into the pillow. Baby is fine but I spend the next twenty minutes having angry, imaginary conversations with the management company of our apartment block.
Mind too tired to swim against the tide of what is, I finally turn around and go with the flow. Reaching for my phone, I seek out some slumber-inducing music to drown out the incessant hum of the lawnmower drawing eights around the shrubs.
I come across some piano music styled for sleep but even the ever so slight plink-plonk, staccato transition from one note to the next keeps my mind alert. I go searching again and come across some music created at 432Hz. Hmm, I learned about this pitch recently when looking into Deva Premal’s new single, OM. Hopeful (and desperate), I lie back…
Two hours and 30minutes later, baby and I emerge from the deepest morning nap we have had in six months.
The 432Hz pitch is believed to be aligned with the natural vibration of the universe; including the biology of the human being and of nature. Music performed at this pitch is thus more in tune with the innate harmony of our being, and helps us come into natural alignment. Before I drifted off I remember feeling my body tingling, and the heaviest parts of my legs felt as if they were lifting up from the bed. I woke up refreshed and my body felt whole again. It was wonderful.
Experience OM
Deva Premal’s new single combines this mega-harmonious pitch with the most powerful mantra there is – OM.
OM is known to yoga-lovers worldwide as it is chanted at the beginning and end of yoga classes everywhere. It is universally recognized as central to the art of meditation. OM is, in yogic philosophy, the beginning and the end. As a mantra, OM has the potential to bring about the blossoming of enlightenment. For it is the ‘seed’ mantra – the sound from which all other sound, indeed all creation, issues forth.
Listening to the track in my kitchen, I felt the sacred doors open. The doors which are always there and which we step through when experiencing a shift in perspective. This shift enables us to recognize the sacredness of the moment we are in, the life we are living.
New heights for the New Age
As mentioned, the new album Deva was nominated for the award of Best New Age Album at this year’s Grammys ceremony. Speaking about the nomination, Deva expressed how it felt slightly “absurd or amusing” to “receive worldly recognition for prayer”. However, she is grateful for the nomination – “[it] can only be a good thing because it means that more people are exposed to the healing power of the mantras and will benefit from their presence in their lives”.
To find out more about Deva’s wonderful music, go to: devapremalmiten.com