Laura Sarah Dowdall is a yoga and Somatic Movement teacher based in Dublin. She is starting a new series of classes in Monkstown, Co. Dublin, next Wednesday – click here for all the details! She recently wrote this beautiful article on the importance of looking within and connecting with our truth. Read on below to savour her wise words.
Laura Sarah Dowdall
We love this article by yoga and Somatic movement teacher Laura Sarah Dowdall, where she talks about the mind-body connection, and how tapping into this connection can facilitate our healing process. Check out her website to learn all about her work!
Revitalise Your Senses With This Healing Yoga and Movement Retreat
As the evenings slowly lengthen and hints of spring begin to emerge, what better way to brush off the cobwebs of winter than going on a rejuvenating yoga retreat? From Friday the 2nd to Sunday the 4th of February, dancer and movement teacher Laura Sarah Dowdall is leading a Vitality Retreat in Lisnavagh House, Co. Carlow. It promises to be an energising, tranquil experience that fills you with optimism for the year ahead. To learn more, visit Tickets can be purchased by emailing Laura at
As spring begins to dawn, the beautiful Lisnavagh House will be hosting a very special Vitality Retreat, led by the dancer, yoga and somatic movement teacher Laura Sarah Dowdall. Laura practices an integrated approach to her clients’ wellbeing, using a mixture of techniques she has mastered through her study of somatic movement methods, traditional yoga, bio-energetic practices, and transformational change processes. She believes that by opening the body, clients can open their minds, and to this end, she works with each of them on a deep individual level to help them attain new insight, creativity and self knowledge.
The three-day Vitality retreat programme will include techniques based on Healing Yoga, Asana, Pranayama (breath work), Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation), Soul Dance (a dance practice Laura has developed) and voice work, amongst others. This video will give you a glimpse of what you can expect during this beautiful retreat.
In addition to the group activities, one to one Integrated Healing and Reiki sessions with Laura will be available during the retreat. These sessions, which can be purchased for €50, are designed to enhance the movement and meditation processes of the weekend, facilitating a deep level of healing for those who choose to avail of them. These clients will also receive a personally designed practice to assist them in achieving their goals.
The Vitality Retreat will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of February 2018 at Lisvanagh House, Co. Carlow. You can book tickets by emailing Laura at For more information, visit You can find out more about Laura’s work through her dance website,, or her therapeutic background information page,