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Facebook Page | FRIDAY, November 11th, 7:30pm | Eur 20 | Location: The Powerscourt Theatre, Dublin 2.
We are honoured & excited to welcome Teal Swan to our Positive Nights stage!
Teal is an amazing soul that has managed to impart love and wisdom around the world for years! Our evening with her will have an intimate feeling. Starting with a conversation between Paul and Teal in which we will get to know a lot more about her and how we can bring out our most positive intentions. After a short break, we will have an interactive Q&A for you, the audience, so we can collectively keep the positivity flowing. Afterwards we will have a special guided meditation to close the night.
Email us at positivenights@gmail.com or send your payment via Paypal directly to the same email address to book! Please book your place early as seating is limited.
About Raising your vibration:
“If you are dedicated to raising your vibration, you can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought. However, never resist a negative thought; just accept that you are where you are, express it in a healthy way and move in the direction to feeling better emotionally.”
About Letting go and finding our hidden positivity:
“We all want to find the key to letting go. After all, this is one of the most important steps when it comes to any form of healing. But most of us get stuck when it comes to letting go because we are missing a puzzle piece relative to what we cannot let go of. That puzzle piece is the piece that ties it all together and it is in fact, the key to letting go. The missing puzzle piece is the hidden positive intention.
Every action that is ever taken and every belief that is ever held is taken and held for one reason and one reason only; because the person taking that action, or holding that belief, is convinced that it will enable them to feel better in some way. Another way of saying this is that we only ever engage in something that we think serves us positively in some way. But often this positive intention is buried so deep that we do not have conscious awareness of it. Our healing depends on us being brave enough to uncover and be honest with ourselves about those buried positive intentions. And our ability to live in an open, compassionate way towards others depends on our ability to recognise those buried positive intentions in them.”
If you wish to learn more about Teal, her upcoming events in Ireland & abroad, her blog and/or check her videos, please click below:
How to raise your frequency and increase your vibration
From our Winter 2015/2016 issue. Be the first to read the next issue of Positive Life in print – Subscribe.
“Slowly he celebrated the sacrament of letting go
First he surrendered his green
Then orange, yellow and red
Finally he let go of his brown
Shedding his last leaf
He stood empty and silent, stripped bare
leaning against the October sky
he began his long vigil to vulnerability and trust…”
— Anonymous
The above excerpt is from a poem that speaks deeply to me at this time of year about letting go. As you read this, trees and branches are showing their shape without the cover of foliage and it inspires me to consider the things we too can let go of, with that same level of trust.
I have been preparing to move house. It’s a total surprise how much stuff I have accumulated and how many times we have had to trek to the local second hand shop, dump and dropping things off as gifts to friends. It all brought me to the question, How much do I need to have? What can I continue to let go of? Books seem to have a habit of building in my office space. Just last year I purchased a number of bookshelves to home books that I no longer read!
Over the summer, sitting outside a favourite café where we live, two Buddhist monks walked by and to make a long story short, we ended up having a most inspiring conversation. I was in a turning point in the way I relate to my siblings and received such wonderful advice on how to stay in loving truth in relationships. But the part of this conversation that stood out the most, was their insights on that it can be easy to let go of possessions, the real task, is letting go of opinions and fixed ideas as to how things should be. That, I was assured, was the hardest practice.
I notice too that there is habitual way of showing up in the world. I can tell a similar story when I meet new people and react to others a habitual way. Pemo Chodron author, mother and nun would ask, “How could you do something differently?” She suggests holding the old reaction with a breath, wait a moment and then do or say some thing differently, letting go of old habits of interaction. For example, instead of reacting with defensiveness to a seeming put down, stand in the others shoes and say something like “Are your feeling upset about something that you would like to talk about?” How lovely to feel that there are deeper wells of self that can be accessed that the usual knee jerk reactions, all it takes to access it, it is a moment to let go and embrace the freedom to then choose our thoughts and actions.
This wintertime can be an opportunity you to be open to deeper and more reflective aspects of you. Rest into the emptiness and the vulnerability that the season and letting go offers, to emerge in spring with a different and refreshed aspect of you. May your continued beauty emerge, softer lighter and less habitual. May you have the courage to let go of what no longer serves you.
“Slowly he celebrated the sacrament of letting go
First he surrendered his green
Then orange, yellow and red
Finally he let go of his brown
Shedding his last leaf
He stood empty and silent, stripped bare
leaning against the October sky
he began his long vigil of trust…”
– Anonymous
The above excerpt is from a poem that speaks deeply to me at this time of year about letting go. As you read this, trees and branches are showing their shape without the cover of foliage and it inspires me to consider the things we too can let go of, with that same level of trust.
I have been preparing to move house. It’s a total surprise how much stuff I have accumulated and how many times we have had to trek to the local second hand shop, dump and dropping things off as gifts to friends. It all brought me to the question, How much do I need to have? What can I continue to let go of? Books seem to have a habit of building in my office space. Just last year I purchased a number of bookshelves to home books that I no longer read!
Over the summer, sitting outside a favourite café where we live, two Buddhist monks walked by and to make a long story short, we ended up having a most inspiring conversation. I was in a turning point in the way I relate to my siblings and received such wonderful advice on how to stay in loving truth in relationships. But the part of this conversation that stood out the most, was their insights on that it can be easy to let go of possessions, the real task, is letting go of opinions and fixed ideas as to how things should be. That, I was assured, was the hardest practice.
This is a sneak peek, read the rest of the article in the winter 2015 issue of Positive Life. Subscribe | Stockists
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