Check out our summer issue!
The healing powers of Ho’oponopono and lomi lomi have been passed down through many generations, creating peace and harmony for those who utilize these Hawaiian practices.
Keep on reading to learn more…
Lineage Teachings
by Alison McEvoy
I can still recall scenes and sensations from the first Lomi Lomi, beginner training I did with Louise Kleu, over a decade ago. I moved continents, returned, dipped back into Lomi for a number of years, veered away again and feel a return call now. All the while, Louise remained; a steady, growing, shining light of Hawaiian healing and spirituality. Her rays emanating out to all the willing hearts and bodies on this island, inviting us to walk the path with her.
This weekend, April 14th to 16th, at Aloha House, Killorglin, Louise will be hosting Kumu Pa’a Julia Nalani, a 51st Generation Teacher & Healer. She will guide immerse participants in the Foundation Teachings of Hawaiian Spirituality, Healing & Cultural Practice.
We spoke to Julia last year, when this trip was in seedling stage and she shared with us her journey of remembrance and return to the path of her ancestors.
“I was chronically unhappy in my corporate job….for no apparent reason I felt very unhappy…I had a good job, a great husband, money in the bank, all the good stuff, but for some elusive reason I just felt completely unhappy and misplaced. And I was deeply searching for something…”
After Julia had made the decision to step out of her corporate role, she studied Holistic Psychotherapy – all about “transformation of the self.” Through this training she encountered the “great existential questions,” such as ‘who are we?’ and ‘what is our place in the cosmos?’
As a true seeker of the Truth, Julia ultimately chose an experiential route to find meaning. Reading about who we are and our place in existence keeps this understanding at a mental level. If we can allow ourselves to enter into an experience of the Living Truth, it transforms us from the roots, on all levels of being.
“I decided to go into a death lodge…[it] was to act as a dreaming lodge….Everything from that moment fell together…Whatever happened in there, that’s how I was going to live my life. Everything that happened in that little space is the ground work for who I am today.”
This transformation was really a return. A stripping away of ways of thinking and being that are not coming from the self but rather from the outside. Inside the death lodge, Julia had the immense courage and vision to allow her deep truth to rise up, unearth itself, break through the debris and blossom into her life once more.
“[It] brought me back to my cultural roots”, says Julia. Back to the words of her Polynesian father who had taught her so much before he passed away early on in her life. All that her father had said to her was coming up in the lodge. The wisdom of her ancestors was coming forward to shape her life so that she might sustain and carry forward the healing and spiritual wisdom held in her line.
Following this experience Julia became a Lomi Lomi teacher and lineage holder.
There is something in Julia’s teaching that for me, took me a long time to grasp. It wasn’t until I had a child that I realized the living force of the ancestors in our lives. In the lineage of Lomi Lomi, the ancestors’ place is understood deeply;
“The true power of Lomi Lomi as a practitioner is to step out of the way and let the ancestors do the work. That’s what its all about…That’s the line of truth. You recede from it. The space is taken by the ancestors. I’m doing the strokes that the teacher has taught me. I’m applying the mechanics…I’m applying my understanding of where people are mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically…and I’m saying pule (prayer) the whole time…it’s the spirit, the power of the ancestors that takes form through what we call Lomi Lomi.”
The mindset, the foundational beliefs of Hawaiian Spirituality can be gleaned from the way they perform healing through Lomi Lomi. Past and present are one. Ancestors are with us, there is NO SEPARATION.
“Spirituality is all about what we do moment to moment. How do I recognise you as a part of me. Where is our sameness? Rather than focusing on difference.”
Following the ways of old, the wisdom of these ancestors, can make us as children again. Before we were taught the illusion of separation, of difference, of competition, of conflict of interest.
Whenever conflict arrived however, there was a protocol (aka ritual) for restoring the peace. This was the traditional meaning and purpose of Ho’oponopono. The true testimony to the practical power of Ho’oponopono, is that it remains – “in place for 51 generations, simply because it works.”
Traditionally, Ho’oponopono is a process led by a trained individual, called the Luna Ho’oponopono. It was done in families on a daily basis as a kind of preventative, a continuous peace process so that separation would not occur within families. If there was a conflict in the community, it would be practised in the community, facilitated by the Luna.
Just as with Lomi Lomi, here too the Luna is a place holder, allowing the ancestors to do the work while the Luna listens deeply to what they are saying, enabling the Luna to ask the right questions and perform the right actions;
“Working directly with the ancestors, that’s where the mana (power) is. It’s the mana, the spirit energy of the ancestors that makes the difference…The Luna asks the right questions that begin to untangle everything so that you can see the stone, the thing that’s holding it in place, for what it really is. Then you know. It’s no longer unknown to you…or unseen. It’s very clearly known.”
Following the Ho’oponopono, the individuals involved would have “restitutions” to perform – “what you have to do in your daily life to make sure that the wrong doing doesn’t continue…Ho’oponopono is about a way of life…PONO is to live in right alignment; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. Doing what it takes to live in that alignment.”
Today, Julia does one on one Ho’oponopono sessions, following the protocol of the ancestors.
And, most beauteous of all, when it’s done, it’s done – “you do it once. You do it right and it is done…That’s why you have things to do, actions to take, which we call restitutions…to restore and maintain that alignment, so your daily life isn’t impacted by those stones…There’s a challenge in that, honestly.”
Julia mentions that, for some, studying Hawaiian Spirituality leads them back to their own cultural and spiritual roots. She acknowledges that, at core, the spiritual tenets of all first nations people are the same and indeed, for some, connecting with their own roots allows them to tap into the power of their ancestors – the lines of wisdom behind their very backs.
It has been said that we go on long journeys in life only to end up where we started. Spirituality is one such journey. We are born connected to the Creator from whom we came, and the Nature of the earth to which we have come, with ancestors to guide the way should we chose to acknowledge them. When we can arrive ‘back’ at this place and see all we have come with for the first time clearly, we see the Truth of who we are.
This weekend you are invited to take a walk deep within the lineage teachings and spiritual practices of Hawaii, enveloped by the Mana of 51 generations of teachers and healers.
We love Aloha House, and are in awe of the amazing work carried out by founder Louise Kleu. We featured Aloha House in our Summer 2020 issue, and today, we’re sharing the article to our website, for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
Sweet September! Autumn is near, the nights are getting longer and the air feels chilly. We begin to feel coziness in the atmosphere and we dream of sweet nights in by the fire! This month we bring you our wonderful Positive Vibes and want to remind you of our 3 wonderful competitions for: Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deva Premal & Eckhart Tolle as well as wonderful activities, and lovely recommendations for your mind, body & spirit! Our Autumn edition of Positive life Magazine is now out and this one is filled with inspiring interviews and news, and a profile piece on Sir Richard Branson, Beautiful lessons on Vipassana from Alison Canavan, a tasty and cosy Autumn recipe from Cornucopia and much more! Sign up here to get a chilled copy in your postbox! Loads of love, from all the team. Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter if you haven’t already.x
Mind Body & Spirit: The Wellbeing Festival
Date: 28-30 October 2017
Location: Waterford, Ireland
Nurture your Mind, Body and Spirit at The Wellbeing Festival. Check and experience a large selection of stands to inspire and educate. The Festival provides something for everyone in the holistic arena, including an interactive area for children. Experience an exciting range of free talks, dedicated spaces for both Yoga and Meditation and a Live Stage in the exhibition area. Expand your knowledge with what’s sure to be a great selection of mini-workshops over three days.
Click here to get your tickets and learn more!
Dublin VegFest
Griffith Conference Centre, Dublin
Date: September 24-25, 2017
Dublin Vegfest promises to be the largest vegan food and drink event in Ireland and whatever your food preference is they got us covered with healthy whole foods, plant milks, cheeses, meats, fusion cuisine, juices, super foods, raw, gluten free, energy bars, cuisines from Asia, The Middle East, Europe, North America and Latin America and so much more!!!
Click here to learn more and get your tickets!
We are giving away two tickets for this wonderful Festival! Simply share this post on your Facebook or Twitter page and tag @positivelifemag so we know!
The event is alcohol free to ease your connection with nature!
Location: Dunderry Park, Co. Meath, Ireland
Date: 9th – 10th September
Spirit of Folk presents the Dunderry Park Festival 20th Anniversary: The Gathering 2017. This celebration will feature some SOFF favourites with a specially curated SOFF stage and storytelling in the cairn, along with a whole host of inspiring speakers and workshops. We have been before and we love the vibe, we also hosted MARTIN DUFFY at one of our recent Positive nights and he is the biz.
Click here to book and for more info!
Date: Saturday, September 17th, 2017
Location: Radisson Blu – Golden Lane, Dublin
Time: 11:ooam – 7:00pm
Award winning author of wellness book “Minding Mum” and health and wellness coach, Alison Canavan will host the first in a series of events – The Full 360 Series. The first show of its kind in Ireland, The Full 360 Series is a day where the sole focus will be on complete holistic self-care centering on health, skincare (for men and women) and wellness from the inside out and the outside in.
Visit for more info and tickets!
Eva offers Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui, along with other healing therapies, previously in Dublin city centre. Her journey with Lomi has brought many gifts but ultimately brought her a profound shift in her awareness and continues to transform her life daily. She is passionate about sharing this amazing practice with as many people as possible and thats why she is now in WEST CORK.If you live there, or on a holiday give her a buzz for an experience you will never forget.
For Bookings & more info visit
Date: 15-17 September 2017
Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, Dublin
This Conference will provide a platform for amazing international speakers like Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and Miles Johnston from the Bases Project to bring their knowledge to the public. EXPECT topics like UFO sightings in Ireland, Sacred Ancient Sites of Ireland, Life After Death, and much more. It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet likeminded people from all over Ireland and share experiences.
Click here for tickets and more info!
Date: September 12th, 2017
Location: Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan, Dublin
7:00pm – 9:30pm
For thousands of years people have tried to tap into the stillness and silence that rests within to discover their deeper selves. In Secrets of Meditation, davidji takes you there, demystifying the practice along the way and guiding the reader on an epic journey into your own consciousness.
Jovial July! We have been blessed with plenty of sunshine days this summer and we hope you are all enjoying the festivals and that beautiful feeling of being alive the sun brings! If you haven’t enjoyed a BBQ day yet, we hear there is still plenty of sunshine to come and after last weekend’s clearing full moon, we are definitely ready to enjoy it! We are bringing you some beautiful news including not one but two fantastic competitions, as well as retreats, books, supplements, event recommendations & more! Our fabulous Summer magazine edition is still out! Sign up here to get a hot copy in your postbox!
Date: July 22nd
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Mindful Health Ireland is offering an Introduction to a Vegetarian Cooking event. In it you will learn: What foods create and what foods curb the viscous inflammatory cycle; How to introduce foods that can reduce inflammation and improve conditions like cholesterol, heart health, hormonal health etc; How to make tasty & nutritious vegetarian meals, sides and snacks that the whole family can enjoy.
Check more info and how to book here.
Groove Summer Festival presents Thrive, the Festival’s all new health, fitness and wellness quarter, which offers festival goers the chance to relax, rejuvenate and reenergise the mind, body and soul through a jam-packed programme of over 35 free movement classes, wellness workshops and inspirational talks.
Our friends at Groove Festival would like to offer you all a 10% discount on tickets to Groove Festival (plus kids 12 and under go free!) Visit and enter code POSITIVELIFE. Code is valid until July 31st.
It is summer, and sharing is caring! We are also giving away two tickets for two winners each for this fantastic festival! Simply follow Positive Life on Facebook or Twitter, share this post on your Facebook or Twitter page and tag @positivelifemag so we know!
Click here to learn more and book your tickets!
Location: Dunderry Park, Co. Meath, Ireland
Date: 9th – 10th September
Spirit of Folks presents the Dunderry Park Festival 20th Anniversary: The Gathering 2017. This celebration will feature some SOFF favourites with a specially curated SOFF stage and storytelling in the cairn, along with a whole host of inspiring speakers and workshops.
Click here to book and for more info!
We have two tickets to give away for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Workshop weekend event in Dublin from September 29th – October 1st, 2017. Just follow us on Facebook or Twitter, share this post and tag us to let us know!
Date: September 29- October 1st
Royal Dublin Society (RDS), Merrion Road, Ballsbridge
Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Workshop returns to Dublin in 2017 presenting a unique three day workshop where Joe will lead you through the language of science to reveal the latest research and findings of how to step into a new personal reality!
You can get tickets and learn more here!
Sun Chlorella is clearly today’s most praised chlorella product on the market. It is like sunshine in a glass! They bring us their new DYNO ® -Mill technology that breaks down the cell walls of the algae (without the use of heat or chemicals which can reduce the quality of the chlorella) to ensure when you use either their granules or tablets you’re getting the most nutrients possible.
You can check where to get the Sun Chorella products and learn more here!
Our very own Paul recently returned from a wonderful weekend at The Aloha House in Co. Kerry and confirmed we are blessed to have an amazing Lomi Lomi massage practitioner and teacher like Louise kleu in Ireland. She rocks! Lomi Lomi is an ancient Hawaiian healing art with plenty of benefits for the mind, body & spirit such as the elimination of toxins, increase of energy and metabolism & a complete alignment of the body.
You can read Paul’s review here and find out more on Aloha house.
Positive Nights is happy to welcome Sisú Cold Pressed Juices as our brand new sponsor!!! SiSú is well on its way to becoming Ireland’s leading health & wellness brand. Their 100% natural juices and smoothies are healthy, delicious & refreshing! After you give it a taste at our event, you can pick up a bottle of their fruit & vegetable goodness in various shops, cafes, gyms, health shops and restaurants nationwide. Paul recently tried them in Cork and absolutely loved the taste!
We are giving away two tickets for this beautiful Concert! Simply share this post on your Facebook or Twitter page and tag @positivelifemag so we know!
Deva Premal & Miten concert
Date: September 22nd, 2017
Time: 7:30pm
Location: RDS, Dublin
Celebrated chant masters Deva Premal & Miten bring their Temple at Midnight Tour to Ireland. Accompanied by Nepalese bansuri maestro Manose, with Canadian Joby Baker on bass and Danish percussionist Rishi, their unique, spiritually inspired evenings of mantra, song, and chant are treasured by audiences around the planet.
Paul & Louise just chilling
By Paul Congdon
Chilling at the aloha house with the beautiful owner Louise Kleu. This place is simply amazing and needs to be seen to be believed. If you fancy a personal retreat or you are a practitioner looking for a workshop space amidst the beauty of Kerry to run your next course then this is for you. Louise runs Lomi Lomi courses and offers one on one treatments . I got a treatment as well and it’s an amazing experience .
Look out for my full article on this experience in our next issue out in September 2017.
Aloha House is based in Killorglin, County Kerry, and is the home of Lomi Lomi Ireland School of Hawaiian Healing Arts. A very short walking distance to Killorglin town with plenty of top class restaurants & pubs. Loads to see and do in the surrounding areas – for all ages.
Click here for more info on Aloha House or follow her Facebook page here
By Jeana Iwalani Naluai
I am a Hawaiian-Irish-American. Like my ancestry, my approach to healing is multicultural. I am Western schooled in physical therapy, but I am also trained as a native Hawaiian medicine practitioner. Practising traditional physical therapy for almost a decade left me feeling disconnected, treating “knees” and “lower backs” in a compartmentalised way. I wanted to work on a deeper level and treat clients more holistically. I found all this and more returning to my roots in Lomi Lomi massage and the spiritual teachings of Ho’oponopono learned from Hawaiian masters.
Witnessing the loving and connected way Aunty Margaret Machado and Aunty Mahilani Poe Poe approached healing changed everything for me. Ho’oponopono is a practice of confl ict resolution within oneself and with others, restoring alignment and making right. Pono means to be correct, in harmony, in integrity, to be balanced, encompassing all things desirable for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Ho’o in front of pono suggests action or requiring action. When we are faced with challenges in our lives, including past traumas, disharmony between loved ones and such upheavals, we allow the emotions of the moment to dictate our thoughts and actions. In the Hawaiian philosophy of care, energies of anger, fear, blame, and judgement create separation between ourselves, others and the divine. Spirit prompts a shift firstly in our spiritual awareness. Even if ignored, the message nonetheless enters the mind.
Without action, discord will manifest physically in order to grab our attention. This results in trauma, injury and pain. Combining Lomi Lomi and Ho’oponopono allows me to work with the whole person, not on them. I had a client who had been in chronic pain for twenty years. He had injured his back serving in the military, a family tradition. As a young man, he had aspirations to be a healer. He chose family obligation rather than following his heart. As his treatment began, he shared the extensive list of failed therapies endured over the years. None had offered long term relief. His main concern was the fear of being hurt.
The session began with Ho’oponopono to address his fear. Was he willing to change the conversation and open to the possibility of healing? Our Hawaiian teaching of the wisdom of the bones reveals the correlation between spiritual/emotional disharmonies and physical illness. The lower back represents the family connection and support. In his case, this support was not received. In fact, for his pain, he had blamed his father for all these years. These emotions had not only created a divide in their relationship but it had perpetuated the pain in his backbone. Using the tools of Ho’oponopono, taking responsibility for shifting the story backward and forwards, he was able to recognise the destructive emotions he was carrying, release the blame and invite healing into his spirit. After the treatment, I asked him how his back was feeling. He was surprised to find his back pain free. Lomi Lomi is a therapeutic art form addressing injury and restoring physical alignment. But the Ho’oponopono is the magic that fosters transformational outcomes. By giving people empowering tools to release the pain in the emotional and spiritual body, true transformation can take place. Body. Mind. Spirit.
Jeana Iwalani Naluai is a Hawaiian Practitioner and master Teacher. Hawaiian Healing retreat – Ireland, June 1-6, 2017, killorglan, Co. kerry.
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