We love the Positive Vibes section of our magazine, where we get to take a look at some of the best holistic products, events and pick-me-ups out there. This edition of Vibes is featured in our Summer 2019 issue – to read the full magazine, click here to find your nearest stockist or subscribe to have a copy delivered direct to your door.
Mother Meera
Positive Vibes – Summer 2018: Your Guide to the Delights of the Season
Summer is well and truly at its peak (and our Summer 2018 issue has hit the shelves), so we just had to share the Positive Vibes section from the magazine, which showcases some of the most exciting events, courses, products, and tasty treats that Ireland’s holistic scene has to offer this season. Sit back, read all about it, and while you’re at it, make a note to pick up a copy of the Summer 2018 issue in your local health food store. You can also subscribe online to receive this issue, and three others, straight to your door.
Summer Vibes
“Summer moonlight / All soft and fair… Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere”
(Emily Bronte)
Bloom n’ grow
Get Elemental
Thirsty to drink from the font of feminine wisdom which lies within you? Facilitator Sky Buitenhuis invites you to embark on ‘The Heroine’s Journey’, a four weekend immersion into the wilderness of nature and the self, to emerge empowered and attuned within. Come share in the rich tapestry of women’s wisdom awaiting YOU.
The Peace Team
Ready to share the bountiful benefits of meditation and mindful living? The Meditation Teacher Academy® is now offering a 200hour certified teacher training course which enables you to confidently teach a variety of chill-out techniques. Think loving-kindness, yoga nidra, mantra and mindfulness. Let the peace ripple on.
Brain training
Optimal Brain is an advanced, personal transformation system designed to help you get the best use of your brain. With training, you can enhance just about anything in the realms of brain functioning; relieving stress and anxiety and improving sleep cycles, focus, attention and retention. Do you brain a favour and have a gander.
Hope and healing
Disenchanted and ready to embrace a new health paradigm? Paulette Agnew, in her book FAB Health, shares the story of her recovery from Lyme disease. A compilation of personal experience, research and interviews with leading health professionals, Paulette offers hope and a simply explained solution to antibiotic-resistant illness through Frequency And Biomagnetic (FAB) medicine.
Human connection
Camp out in the Heartspace this August during a six day extravaganza of playfulness, celebration, learning and transformation. Expect a diverse range of workshops from African dance to circus skills and yoga, helping to deepen your connection with yourself, others and nature. You can bring the kids along too! See the Heartspace Facebook event for details.
Summer Escapades
Creacon Wellness Retreat, nestled in the lush Wexford surrounds, is the perfect place to plot your next summer escape. Whether you’re going solo or attending a specialized retreat or workshop, Creacon offers an abundance of ways to relax and rejuvenate.
Travelling light
Downsize your baggage and travel ultra-light with Mooncup; a reusable, portable silicone menstrual cup to replace disposable tampons and pads. If you’re heading off the beaten track this summer, Mooncup will be your best travelling companion!
Summer sustenance
Brain Food
Lion’s Mane mushroom is a delicious variety of mushroom, with a special affinity for the brain. Mushroomstuff creates 100% organic, highly bioavailable, Lion’s Mane in capsule form to enhance and protect those precious neurons in your noggin’.
Impeccable pesto
Small-batch, unhurried production prevails in Stoneybatter, Dublin, where Genovese Foods have been crafting their gourmet, additive-, gluten- and GMO-free pesto products since 1999. The oldest producers of fresh pesto in Ireland, their flavoursome little jars are well worth the dip.
Rise and shine
Mushrooms are all the rage. We tried the mushroom coffee by Four Sigmatic: rich, earthy and delicious, it sends positive vibes coursing through your system. The mushroom works with the caffeine and neutralises the jitters, replacing them with a balanced feeling. Wake up and smell the mushrooms.
Mother natures’ bounty
Medical Medium Anthony William’s fascinating book, Life Changing Foods, reveals the healing properties on physical, emotional and spiritual levels of fifty fruits and vegetables which the earth provides us with. Discover the choices for healing, health and recovery you can make each time you sit down to a meal.
Soul fuel
Way of the heart
Share in the “most healing, centring, transforming and enlightening thing” in Kevin James’ life this July, as he arrives to Dublin for an evening of chanting heartsongs, mantra and kirtan to reconnect with the intelligence of the heart. Come spread the love!
Spiritual momentum
Marianne Williamson will be winging her way to Dublin this October 10th for what’s sure to be an inspiring, uplifting and empowering seminar. Marianne is author of twelve published books and shares stories and wisdom on love, the spiritual journey and miracles. Check out the Seminars website for more.
Melting pot of positivity
Come simmer in the power of positivity and an atmosphere of inspiration, sharing and enlightenment during the summer series of Positive Nights. Bring an open heart and an open mind and expect to meet more of the same.
Be the Divine You
Mother Meera, native to India and embodiment of the Divine Mother, will be in Dublin this July bestowing her blessing on all those who feel the call to enlighten their inner divinity. In total silence, experience a purification of consciousness and a bestowal of light upon the soul.
Teen Empowerment
Treasa Traynor, director of Chrysalis Wellness, is on a mission to bring the strengths of a yoga practice into school communities. Specializing in programmes such as ‘Time out for teachers’ and ‘Wellbeing workshops’ for teens, Treasa seeks to help young people and their teachers cope with the many challenges they face during the transition from childhood to adulthood.
19-21 May 2015, Cork and Meath, Free event
“My main purpose is to help humans and to make them happy, peaceful, contented, harmonious and loving. Happiness and spiritual growth are connected. Being peaceful and happy form the most important foundation of spiritual practice. Then the practice goes by itself.”
– Mother Meera
Mother Meera is one of the most widely revered and loved of the avatars of the Divine Mother. Mother Meera offers a direct transmission of light that dissolves all barriers and changes the entire being. She asks no special allegiance and offers Her transformative powers to all. Thousands of people from all over the world come to receive Her Darshan, Her silent bestowal of grace and light through Her gaze and touch.
19-20 May: Johnstown House Hotel, Enfield, Co. Meath
21 May: The Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Co Cork
Further information and register for Darshan: mothermeera.ie