Meditation teacher Dawa Tarchin Phillips – founder and CEO of Empowerment Holdings and co-founder of the Mindful Leadership Online Training Conference – is coming to Dublin to deliver a special weekend workshop from Saturday the 29th to Sunday the 30th of September in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Read on to learn more!
Dawa is greatly appreciated by his students for his joy, insight, and clarity of presentation. He has taught on five continents and travelled to over 30 countries. He embodies the unique perspectives of Western scholarship and neuroscientific research, combined with the traditional training of an authentic Buddhist Lama.
He is the Founder/CEO of Empowerment Holdings and the co-founder of the Mindful Leadership Online Training Conference, the world’s largest online training conference for mindful leaders. He is a mindfulness and meditation expert, author, serial entrepreneur, experienced spiritual teacher, researcher and educator. He co-founded the Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and is the President of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association, the first global independent professional organisation for Mindfulness teaching professionals. He is also the founder of The Mindful Leadership Tribe, an online community of mindful leaders.
Dawa is a contributing author for Mindful magazine, Tricycle magazine, and the Association for Talent Development. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, Men’s Fitness, Forbes and Fast Company.
If you have been looking for an effective, meaningful retreat experience and an opportunity to delve deeper into your exploration of authentic mindfulness, meditation and awakening, his weekend retreat and workshop in Dublin this September is for you. During this weekend, you will explore personal access points to awakening more mindfulness and meditation in your life. Through periods of silent meditation, personal inquiry, liberating wisdom teachings, interactive exercises and live Q&A, you will be guided by Dawa to take your mindfulness, meditation and leadership practice to the next level.
Dawa’s weekend workshop, entitled Awakening Mindfulness and Meditation: Leadership Lessons for the 21st Century, will take place from 9.30 a.m. on Saturday September 29th to 5.00 p.m. on Sunday September 30th in the This workshop is being facilitated by Click here for further information and to book your place.