In this beautiful extract from our new Spring 2019 issue, Tantra expert and educator Dawn Cartwright explains how simple acts of kindness can help us in the bedroom. To read the full article, pick up a copy of the magazine in your local stockist today, or click here to subscribe.
The Touch Of Spirit On The Body
Kindness is the kiss we’ve been waiting for
by Dawn Cartwright
There is some kiss we want
with our whole lives,
the touch of spirit on the body.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
The Random Acts of Kindness Movement began in a Sausalito, California, restaurant in 1982 when Anne Herbert wrote the words, ‘Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty,’ on a place mat. That day in Northern California, Anne started a revolution. Her slogan became a bumper sticker and kindness took over the world.
When we think of acts of kindness, we think of things like buying a cup of coffee for the person behind us in line, complimenting the first three people we see, giving a friend a potted plant, or surprising a neighbour with freshly baked cookies. We rarely think of random acts of kindness in the bedroom – yet we should, because kindness has been scientifically proven to be the most important quality in relationships.
MindBodyGreen writer, Elizabeth Gerson, shared a study from Michigan State University that concluded, ‘having a partner who is nice and caring leads to higher levels of satisfaction in a relationship.’ Since coffee and potted plants are out, what are some ways to bring kindness and its super powers into the bedroom?
1. Desire
One of the greatest gifts we can give our lover is to feel and express our desire. With busy lives and lots of stress, we know desire is in there somewhere, yet it’s just a thought, with very little connection to reality. Let’s bring that desire and all those sensual feelings down into the body.
Give yourself at least twenty minutes before you meet in the bedroom to close the laptop, turn off the mobile phone, take a shower and feel your desire. When your lover enters the room, turn toward them. Turning your body toward someone sends the non-verbal message that you’re interested.
To read the full article, pick up a copy of the magazine in your local stockist today, or click here to subscribe.
We are hosting Dawn for a special Positive Nights NeoTantra event on Thursday April 4th in Bewley’s Café, Dublin. Click here for all the details!
Dawn Cartwright is a Tantric visionary, sacred writer, world traveler, and innovator in bio-energetic Tantra fusion. You’re invited to join her for The Red Tent . Women’s Sacred Sexuality, April 12th – 14th, The White Tent . Men’s Sacred Sexuality, April 25th – 26th & Be Fully Alive . Level 1 Tantra Immersion, April 26th – 28th, in the Wicklow Mountains & Weaving the Beloveds . Couples Tantra Retreat, May 3rd – 6th, in Lower Rosses, Sligo.