In our Summer 2020 issue, we welcomed a new astrology writer, Rachelle Hicks! We previously shared a sneak peek of her first article on our website, and today, we are sharing the whole thing. Rachelle wrote about the great opportunity 2020 has given us: to dive into the unknown and be transformed. Read on and enjoy!
Embracing The Unknown
The undercurrent of 2020 is transformation
by Rachelle Hicks
The general consensus among astrologers has been that we would look back on this time as being “life before 2020, and life after 2020.” This is due to our friends Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter holding hands (conjunct) predominately in the sign of Capricorn. This indicates a huge transformation of our global society, influencing our structures, patterns, what we value, and how our desires are matching our long-term goals.
I think we’re fully aware of the change in the world over the past few months, but if we tune into the energetics, have you noticed the vibration shifting as we explore different ways to connect? Have you noticed (over the past couple of years) any niggling desires to step into a new, more authentic way of being? If there’s anything or any way of being that hasn’t resonated with your heart, this retreat marks a time to step into something new. We have support to embrace the unknown. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction marks the end of one 35-year cycle, and the beginning of a new 35-year cycle. The seeds we plant now will be part of a new structure for the next three and a half decades. This is the time to be truly honest with our hearts, to honour our highest excitement, and to step into the unknown with courage. This year of 2020, referring to 20/20 vision, is a year of restructuring in order to see more clearly.
Let’s not forget our friend Mercury going retrograde in Cancer from June 17th to July 12th. This is a time to be extra-vigilant about our thought hygiene. It’s a time to go slow, connect with family and friends, and allow plans and schedules to be fluid. Since this retrograde is in a water sign, it’s easy for intuition and non-verbal communication to be heightened, but we could be easily misunderstood. If conversation gets watered down in subjectivity, let’s remember the higher octave of Cancer through compassion, empathy and emotional intelligence. This is further emphasised with new moons in Cancer on both June 21st and July 20th. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
As Neptune, our planet of dreams and illusions, goes retrograde for five months, beginning on June 22nd, we can step more into our 20/20 vision and take off any rose-coloured glasses. Let’s review our dreams and see what can be made a reality.
We can focus on earthing this energy on July 5th, when we have a full moon in Capricorn. For this full moon, there’s an invitation to embrace your own sovereignty and authority. To embrace fearlessness and to be responsible for your own experience. To understand how you become bulletproof when you vibrate with joy. You can do this through dance, watching a movie about love, or doing something that excites you as you surrender any and all expectations. Let your hair down, laugh, get your bare feet in the earth.
Finally, on August 19th, we have a Leo New Moon, trine Mars in Aries, igniting us with a sense of inner passion. Calling forth our desires, our inner spark. Let’s get real about what we’re doing here. Let’s be unashamedly bright within ourselves. Let’s step into the unknown with a fierce heart.
Rachelle is a Dublin-based Astrologer. She has studied with Blue Rose, and is currently enrolled in the 4-year Professional Astrologer’s Program at Astrology University. Contact her for Personal Natal Chart Readings at