Home Food & Recipes Let Go. Connect. Create. Solaris Tea’s 7-Day Experience

Let Go. Connect. Create. Solaris Tea’s 7-Day Experience

by Admin

In times of uncertainty, there is no better way to find peace than carving out a moment to rest and connect with ourselves – especially if we can make this a daily practice. We loved this article by Joerg Muller of Solaris Botanicals, which appeared in our Winter 2020/21 issue.

Let go. Connect. Create.

Solaris Tea’s 7-day tea experience

by Joerg Mueller

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

– Lord of the Rings

Currently, many of us are experiencing increased levels of stress and disconnect: adapting to new work environments, financial pressures and reduced social interactions.

At Solaris Tea, our main focus was to offer unique, organic speciality teas to the food service and catering sector in over twelve countries. When our turnover dropped by 95% overnight, and we had to act fast to stay alive.

As two Medical Herbalists (BscHons), we realised that we had a lot of knowledge to offer: after all tea is all about savouring the present moment – on a sensory and emotional level. With this in mind, we started to create a seven-day experience that addresses many of the challenges which we are currently experiencing.

In our Solaris Tea experience, we have fused elements of the Asian Tea ceremony with Western style sensory experiences. The Asian tea ceremony is about simplicity and gratitude for what we have in our lives.

So how and when can we create these moments of calm when the storm is raging?

Each time, when taking part in a tea ceremony in Asia, my mind felt calm, settled and rejuvenated. I wanted to make this part of my daily routine. But who has time for an hour-long tea ceremony on a daily basis? I realised that for it to work, it had to become a tiny daily habit which is attached to something that I already do and enjoy: my five-minute tea break.

This became five minutes a day of “me time” – a time to let go, connect to myself and feel free of life’s demands. To make it easier for myself to “get into the space”, I started to focus on the tea’s sensory experiences – its smell, taste and effects.

Then I started to connect positive emotions, goals and memories to the sensory experience, letting them travel with the sensation and sink in. This had a powerful positive effect – I felt more balanced and energetic and my life bit by bit shifted to a more positive perspective.

Our Solaris Tea experience gently introduces a framework in simple-to-follow steps. Our aim is to make this an enjoyable and beneficial experience – we have tailored this specifically for people working from home, to help them establish a new routine. We’ve received amazing feedback so far, from everyone who took the leap and joined us. They have reported increased work productivity, energy and more positivity – after all, we get back more of what we pay attention to.

You can sign up for free for the seven-day Tea experience here: bit.ly/solaristeameditation

Warm regards, Joerg


Solaris Tea is a passionate family business in Galway, focused on high quality, organic tea with a sustainability ethos. We have also created an interactive Christmas Gift catalogue, introducing our new Seaweed-Herb Footbath to let your body absorb all the goodness of what nature has to offer.

Order and browse here: bit.ly/christmasatsolaristea

And watch the how to video here: bit.ly/solarisfootbath


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