Our winter issue is out now. Editor Alison McEvoy writes on the incredible healing power of Bio Energy, as seen in the life of Aga Kutajczyk-Talaj. Dive on in to find out more…
Spring Vibes 2017: What we love this Spring!
“Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
Events, Workshops, Training, Inspiration, Treats & More for Spring 2017
Attending an event or trying a product or workshop listed here? Tweet your experience to @PositiveLifeMag
Well Read
Keep Calm and Cure On
Calm Cure is our own Sandy Newbigging’s new book on the healing powers of meditation. In it, he shares why conflict keeps us connected to what we don’t want and offers his powerful three-step technique for healing both personal and global problems.
A Cookbook That Might Just Save Your Life
Derbhla Reynolds has been leading the vanguard proclaiming the health benefits and deliciousness of fermented foods for years. Her new book, The Cultured Club: Fabulously Funky Fermentation Recipes is full of gut-friendly recipes designed to supercharge your immune system. My favourite is the vanilla kefir ice cream.
Rise and Shine
Rebecca Campbell is a light worker and a bestselling author of Light Is The New Black. Rebecca has guided thousands of women to listen to the callings of their soul and create a life that is completely aligned to them. She gave a one day workshop hosted by Positive living network in Newry on April 8th. Check her site for other dates!
What Are You Looking At?
We all know that your energy goes wherever you put your attention. In Sarah McLean’s new book, The Power of Attention, you can discover with simple mindfulness tools and meditation techniques how to reclaim spring your attention and enhance your ability to be more present, self-aware, and focused.
Carpe Noctum
If the holistic world had TED talks, they would look like Positive Nights. At each event we come together in love and are treated to wonderful talks, workshops and happenings that leave us wiser, happier and more alive. It’s a movement that’s taking off. Look out for upcoming nights of tantra with Dawn Cartwright, meditation with Sandy Newbigging and loads more. It’s a magical mystery tour.
Wilderness Wellbeing
Charles Cook famously proclaimed, “Your deepest roots are in nature, no matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation.” Nature Benefits offers you the chance to reconnect with the earth and sky with revitalising outdoorsy events throughout the year designed to help you reclaim those deep roots and find peace.
Spring Break
It’s so important to invest time in yourself to stay balanced and well. Amongst many other therapies, Mokshala offers a three day Holistic Detox Retreat in April that is focused on cleansing and transforming at all levels. Lead by holistic healer and life coach Arina Suld, it’s a weekend that is guaranteed to recharge your batteries.
Heroes Wanted
Laura Lynn provide palliative care and support for children with life-limiting conditions and their families. Their holistic approach to care enables them to support the whole family, allowing parents to be ‘Mum and Dad’ rather than full-time carers. They are looking for wonderful heroes to enter the Women’s Mini Marathon to raise funds for their amazing work.
Period Drama
The Mooncup replaces tampons in a way that’s more convenient, better for your body and makes tons more sense for the environment too. The company is employee-owned and is the first sanitary protection manufacturer with Ethical
Business status.
Hemp for Health
Hemp-originating treatment is very much in the headlines these days with many claims of its medicinal qualities. Also known as cannabidiol, it is the non-psychoactive compound in hemp/ cannabis that has received a tremendous amount of positive news worldwide. Full Circle Hemp provides CBD/CBDA products from their base in Wicklow.
Home Made Goodness
April Danann is a medical intuitive. She lives a totally natural life, making all her own products and food from scratch, from toothpaste to cleaning products and beyond. We love her range of apple cider vinegars, with some super flavours: turmeric and ginger, wild elderberry and more. Get your pH in check and alkalise that body of yours.
Autism And Broccoli Sprout Juice
Vegus Juices of Co. Wexford are convinced of the health-giving properties of their broccoli sprout juice on those who are affected by autism. So much so, that they have an exclusive offer for our readers. If you or your family are affected by Autism and would like to try it, contact Mike for a free four week supply to try it out, available to first fifty applicants.
vegusjuices.com vegusvegus@aol.com
A Problem Shared
Help is out there. Whatever life has thrown at us, it always lightens the load when we stop trying to shoulder the
whole burden by ourselves and reach out for the support that we need. The Open Minds Centre in Dun Laoghaire offers psychotherapy and clinical hypnotherapy for when the going gets tough.
That’s a Given
Human Givens therapy is sweeping the world. It holds that if a person’s organic human needs are met appropriately, it is not possible to be mentally unwell. That’s a refreshing approach. Anne-Marie Curran is a trained practitioner based in Dublin. She can help you access your inner resources and design a healthy living environment for yourself.
Anne-Marie 086 600 9019