POSITIVITY IN A TIME OF UNCERTAINTY: Erase the fear and create a better future.
What the world needs now is a message of love – take control of your personal power.
Thursday May 14th: Would you like to learn what it would be like to live from your True Nature, from that Real Self within? To be connected to your own Power, which in turn connects you to the greater Power, to The Presence which permeates all things? Sarah Gilhooly has achieved just that.
Sarah is an Educator on Dr. Tony Quinn EDUCO® Model. Sarah says, “The Presence is all around you and throughout the universe. It is a Power that has the capability of bringing about a new future. By tapping into your greater mind, your Life Force / Power can be expressed through you in its pure form, allowing you to experience the Presence. With this comes a greater mind, nature and power which is your Real Self.”
Our event with Sarah will take the form of a 45-minute interview, followed by a Q & A session with the audience.
This event was rescheduled from March 12th to May 14th, and is now a Zoom event. Anyone who purchased a ticket for the March 12th event is eligible to attend this one. All ticket holders will be emailed with Zoom login details a day before the event.
Tickets for the event are free, in light of the financial difficulties many are facing at this time. However, any donations you may be able to give, of €12.50 or €7.50, are gratefully received.
Click here to book your tickets.