Our spring issue is out now! We recently caught up with the incredible Dr Eben Alexander for a fascinating discussion on his NDE and consciousness – Dive on in!
A Message From Heaven – “Let Yourself Off the Hook”, Says NDE Author, Dr. Hensley
Dr. Hensley’s message from heaven.
By Elva Carri
This is taken from the winter 2015/2016 issue of Positive Life. Subscribe | Stockists
Speaking to Dr. Mary Helen Hensley on the phone, she is chirpy, giggles at jokes with abandon and utter joy bubbles down the line. I wished I had more questions prepared than I did just to keep her on longer.
She’s the author of a recently published book, Promised by Heaven. It details her journey here on earth, her healing and psychic abilities and also her experience of heaven, following a car crash in 1996. If she could only share one message from heaven, what would it be? “Let yourself off the hook!” she exclaims assuredly, and goes on to explain further. “We’re too hard on ourselves, judging ourselves.” She encourages everyone to embrace all aspects of this human experience, the painful and difficult along with the pleasurable, and talks about her own difficult times as cornerstones of what make her who she is, “I love everything that’s ever happened to me.”
She also notes that, “You are what you love, and what you love is what you give your attention to.” From mindfulness and meditation, you may have learned a similar point before, that what we give our attention is often or always what becomes large in our lives, but seeing that we are what we love, yet we have the choice of what that love and attention gets focussed upon, is certainly a beautiful and helpful point to take away, and hold onto forever.
Dr. Mary Helen Hensley, author of Promised by Heaven and a recent speaker at The Buddha Bag Meeting, has announced that she’ll now be available to book in with for healing sessions in Dublin. In her recently published book, Dr. Hensely, who describes herself as a ‘janitor of the spirit and metaphysical healer, details her life and background, as well as her near death experience, and what she gained and learned from it.
Wit, Wisdom and WOW are synonymous with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley. Her marriage of no holds barred humour and honesty with integrity and compassion make her one of Ireland’s most sought-after metaphysical healers and synergistic speakers. She received a Doctorate of Chiropractic in America, and has been practicing in Ireland since 1999. She has spent the last ten years building her practices, and has facilitated the healing process for countless individuals, all referred to her by word-of-mouth.
In December of 1991, Mary Helen Hensley was involved in a car accident. Upon impact, she felt time stall and temporarily left her body. In those moments, Mary Helen was consumed with a sudden clarity. She realised she had the choice to either remain in her body or exit from the earth, allowing the remainder of the scene to unfold without feeling any pain. She chose to depart from her body—and enter heaven. In heaven, Mary Helen was welcomed by two angels who walked her through the place of light and encouraged her to go back to earth and help others. When she returned to earth, Mary Helen was suddenly struck with a desire to live a life of service and quickly set out on a journey into metaphysical healing.
Her adventures took her to Ireland, where she went on to become a chiropractor, find love and new friendships, become a mother, and help numerous people with her gifts.
Find out more about the book | To book an appointment with Dr. Hensley, contact Mairead at 087 7468583 for further details and appointment.
Near Death Experiences: Promised by Heaven – with author Dr. Mary Helen Hensley
“A Doctor’s Return from the Afterlife to a Destiny of Love and Healing”
Tickets €15/10 concession, Facebook Event Page
Dr. Mary Helen Hensley, author of new release, Promised By Heaven, will be speaking about her life-altering near death experience after a 75mph car crash in 1991, in which she temporarily left the body and witnessed life beyond the veil.
Her marriage of no holds barred humour and honesty coupled with an uncanny ability to extract the truth from her audience makes this a talk you won’t want to miss.
From communicating to those in spirit to ‘downloading’ information about a person’s personal challenges, Mary Helen compassionately answers the tough questions by sailing right past the concept of forgiveness and into the realms of why understanding is where healing will be found.
Calling herself a janitor of the spirit, Mary Helen will wipe clean your windows so that you may see past the muck, grime and damaging stories you’ve sold yourself, so you may find your own way back to healing and love.
A Near Death Experience Survivor’s Story and Inspirational Guide to Living in the Light
The book was launched by Laurence Crowley C.B.E. and former governor of the Bank of Ireland last week at The Westbury Hotel, Dublin. In attendance was the U.S Ambassador Kevin O’Malley along with noted personalities from the business and cultural world, including Alasdair McDonnell leader of the SDLP, Sean Mahon (Philomena, 39 Steps on Broadway and Red Rock), Niall Burgess Sec Gen of Department of Foreign Affairs, Tim O’Connor founder of Connect Ireland, Roddy Feely Executive Director of the Ireland US Council, Simon Taylor CEO of the National Concert Hall, Sharon Foley CEO of the Irish Hospice Foundation, Pat Fitzgerald President of the IRFU, Phil Orr former Irish International rugby player, Mick Nolan actor from Fair City and many others.
The book comes with a positive angle, Róisín lovingly encourages the reader to embrace the precious gift of life by asking the question: are you living your best life now? By looking at all aspects of our lives, most especially our challenges with health, careers, family, bereavement or financial issues, she provides an inspirational guide with simple yet powerfully effective practical exercises to provide ways for the reader to be able to feel empowered. Through connecting, reconnecting and staying connected with the light we can improve all aspects of life.
Read more about the book here >
Published by Hachette Ireland, Trade Paperback €16.99
Are you living your best life right now? Asks new book ‘Taking Heaven Lightly’
Taking Heaven Lightly, a near death experience survivor’s story, by Róisín Fitzpatrick
Enter the competition to win a copy by commenting on our Facebook page competition post >
‘A brilliant book with an unforgettable message.’ – Dr. Christine Ranck, co-author of besteller ‘Ignite the Genius Within’.
In 2004, without any warning, Róisín suffered a life-threatening brain haemorrhage. While in the ICU of Beaumont Hospital, she felt herself being drawn out of her body and enveloped in light. In a blissful vision of the afterlife, Róisín experienced the most powerful transformation of her life. Her experience, teaching her that ‘Heaven’ lies within each of us, that we are pure love and always at one with the eternal light changed the course of her life and how she lives in the physical world. Róisín went on to make a full recovery by integrating this newfound love and light into her daily existence.
Róisín says it has given her the freedom to truly live life and encourages readers to embrace this precious gift by asking the question: are you living your best life now?
Following her experience, Róisín also become an internationally successful visual artist using glass as her medium. With over ten exhibitions on both sides of the Atlantic, including a piece on permanent display at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, her work has received great critical acclaim. In her book, she provides an inspirational guide with simple yet powerfully effective practical exercises to provide ways for the reader to be able to feel and experience this light in their own lives. Through connecting, reconnecting and staying connected with the light we can create our best lives here and now.
Róisín also weaves her near-death experience (NDE) with the eternal light – solas síoraí – of our ancient Irish myths and monuments, shining a light on our past, present and future. She shows how we can all connect with this light to enhance our daily lives, and develop a deeper connection to a sense of peace and unity beyond the physical realm. Her near death experience has been validated by Dr. Bruce Greyson, one of the pioneers and medical experts in this field in the United States for over 40 years.
Published by Hachette Ireland, Trade Paperback £13.99
The Near-Life Experience of Anita Moorjani
How a near death experience brought new light to life.
Interviewed by Paul Congdon
Near Death Experiences, or NDEs, are something a significant number of people have returned to tell the story of. These accounts are insightful, uplifting and reassuring. In her book, ‘Dying to Be Me’, Anita describes “crossing over” to a dimension where she was engulfed in a feeling of love and clarity. She explains heaven as a ‘state’ rather than a place, and chose to return to live in “heaven on earth”. The term ‘near death’ seems to do little justice to the awakening, spiritual realisations and new life that Anita was imbued with. She had fought cancer for almost four years and before her NDE, her body began to shut down. Upon regaining consciousness, there was no trace of cancer in her body and she was released from hospital in a matter of weeks. Paul Congdon spoke to Anita about her experience, what she brought back with her and what we can learn from NDEs to revitalise our lives here.
The perception that you had of what was happening around you, just before you passed over, you were using senses that you hadn’t used before. What did that feel like?
I could say it felt strange because it was different and new, but it felt amazing, really incredible and like, magical. But at the same time, it felt like it’s supposed to be this way. It was almost like waking up to a feeling of “Oh this is how it’s supposed to be!” This is the point where I understood that when we are born in our physical body, we still have access to a lot of that feeling. We are meant to be more connected than we are but it gets conditioned out of us.
You experienced time as if everything is happening now?
If you imagine a huge tapestry, the size of the side of a building. It’s a beautiful picture with lots of rich colours. If you come really close, you can see the strands of thread. As you go through your life, your thread is touching other threads, which go on to touch other threads; these are all the different people that you’ve touched. If you’re following the path of one thread using your finger, you can only follow it in linear time and that’s how we live our lives. Now imagine you die, so you’re not in that thread anymore, you’ve popped out of it and you can stand really far back and look at the entire tapestry. The whole tapestry is already complete and you can see the whole thing at once. You can see everybody else’s threads, and your threads, and everybody else’s future threads, and past threads. And the further back you stand, the more of the tapestry you can see.
So to live in the now, what does that mean to you?
Living in the present, to me, what it means is doing things because of the sheer joy it brings you right now. Make every choice from the place that brings you joy now, from whatever is available to you, regardless of where you are in your life. Make the choice that brings you the most joy in this moment. If you can do that in every moment, if that’s the only commitment you make, to always make the choice that brings you the most joy right now, then the future takes care of itself.
It was interesting what came up about your relationship with your dad and the fact that you met him on the other side. You’ve had such a massive experience that gave you that empathy and love, you were able to see your dad in a whole new light. But for someone navigating a difficult relationship from this reality, what’s a really good move to engage in a more loving way?
When we engage with people, we think that we’re engaging with each other on a verbal, mental level but actually it’s your presence and your energy that affects the people around you. If you are about to meet someone who you find you have a challenging relationship with, I would invite you to speak absolutely minimally, let them do most of the talking. Internally, send your love to them and tell yourself that they are behaving this way because they don’t love themselves enough. They are fearful. When you start to see it that way, you will start to understand why they’re behaving that way. But the whole time what you have to do is consciously feel yourself loving them and sending them loving energy. If you can send your love to everybody, every time you’re in a room with anyone, you will actually be transforming people, you’ll be transforming rooms of people. It’s so easy to do that it surprises me that these are not the things we’re teaching our kids.
There are people out there at the moment who have just been diagnosed with Cancer and are considering whether to go through chemotherapy or choose natural remedies. You’ve been through that and with the knowledge from the NDE, what would you say to that person?
The first thing I would say is, choose what feels better for you, what feels less scary, and then surround yourself with people who will support your decision. The worst thing that you can do is be around people who are going to argue with your decision because that creates fear. It’s important whichever you choose, and it could be a combination, to tell yourself you are doing this to support and heal yourself, because you love yourself. Think in terms of I love my life, I value my life, so what do I want to do to support it? Once you’ve started to decide the protocols that you’re going to follow, surround yourself with people who understand you and who are going to support you. And they need to distract you and help you to have fun. Start living life. Go and be with people who love you, take up a hobby, go flying. The treatment just needs to be something that you do like you run an errand.
What would you suggest to remind people of what they should do on a daily basis to raise their frequency?
I would ask everyone, when they wake up in the morning, to give themselves a big hug, and tell themselves they love themselves. Ask yourself every day, what would I do if I could do anything I wanted? What brings me joy? Most people don’t even know what brings them joy. Even if you can’t drop everything and go do it, at the very least you need to know what it is. Once you start bringing it into your awareness, the opportunities will arise more and more. Make a commitment to do something fun, something that makes you laugh every single day. We’ve forgotten how to laugh, we take ourselves too seriously, we take our spiritual systems too seriously. Meditation is great, but more important than prayer, meditation, anything, is laughter and it’s something that we’re born knowing how to do. Everybody needs to know that you are spiritual, there is nothing wrong with you and you are perfect. You already have everything you are trying to attain, you already know everything, you are enlightened, you’ve just forgotten, that’s all. You’re already perfect. Live life with joy, eat chocolate, lighten up! That’s what everybody needs to know.
Anita is currently one of the most sought after inspirational speakers in the world and inspires her audience to transform their lives by living more authentically, discovering their greatest passions, transcending their deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. Her book, ‘Dying to Be Me’, hit the new york Times Bestseller list just two weeks after its release.