We are huge fans of Creacon Wellness Retreat here at Positive Life. In our Autumn 2021 issue, we were pleased to feature them in the ever-popular Short and Sweet section. Read on to learn all about the amazing retreats, food, classes and other services they offer.
Positive Retreat
Our publisher Paul Congdon was thrilled to enjoy a beautiful retreat in Kerry recently, courtesy of the amazing folks at Stay YNA. He shared the whole story in our Autumn 2019 issue – to hear all about it, just read on. The full magazine is available through your local stockist, or you can subscribe online here.
As this year draws to a close, many people’s thoughts are turning towards warmer days ahead … and if you’re looking for a getaway with a difference in 2019, we have a great suggestion for you. Learn all about the magic of the Earthsong camps in this beautiful article by Ruth Pinson, which appears in our Winter 2018/19 issue.
One of our lovely editors, Alison McEvoy, shares her story of visiting the amazing Scottish community of Findhorn. This is a must-read!
Findhorn: Climbing to the peaks of human potential
By Alison McEvoy
As in any good relationship, an understanding of the past of the person, place or thing you are relating to is essential. Initially a layer of mystery peels away from the ‘new’ you are encountering, but soon, if the understanding goes deeper, mystery is re-encountered.
Before I set foot on the Scottish soil which is home to Findhorn, I read of the lives of Eileen and Peter Caddy, and Dorothy Maclean, who arrived at the Findhorn Caravan Park In November 1962. These three spiritual warriors, guided by Eileen’s “small inner voice”, Peter’s dedicated action and Dorothy’s connection with the natural world, forged from a rubbish site within the park a spiritual, environmental and transformational community which today teems with spiritual-seeking individuals from all over the world.
Eileen, Peter and Dorothy lived into being the three principles which continue to underpin daily life at Findhorn;
- Inner Listening –connecting each person with their inner wisdom
- Love in Action – lovingly engaging in all tasks such that the process and outcome is harmonious and nourishing to people and the planet
- Co-creation with nature – enabling human beings to work in tandem with the intelligence residing in nature
Reading these principles provided a conceptual framework for understanding the unique way of doing things I encountered at Findhorn. The living into these principles opened up a whole other experience however – and mystery was reborn.
Attending early morning Taize and silent meditation, meditating and sharing with colleagues before starting the work-day, being encouraged to see the symbolism in my work of untangling grass roots from chive roots in the herb garden…during these moments, and many more like them, the dedication of those around me to these principles nurtured a sensitivity to, and awareness of, the deeper aspects of life and myself; the spiritual and soulful side of my human-being-ness came out further into the light – a tender part which so easily retreats from the rough and tumble of less principled living.
Jonathan Caddy, son of Eileen and Peter, described the experience of a visitor to Findhorn in a way that rang true for me. He said that coming to Findhorn is like taking a “homeopathic dose” of each of these principles – at the time it seems small, but the effects can have a huge influence.
Findhorn is home to a wide assortment of creative, environmentally- and spiritually-minded individuals, business and projects, such that there are a variety of homeopathic doses to choose from:
THE ECO-VILLAGE is where the doors of the living, environmental laboratory which is Findhorn are thrown wide open.
Craig Gibson, Findhorn elder, regularly takes eco-village experience week groups into his home, where he reveals the experiments in building houses, growing food, generating electricity and much more which are being lived at Findhorn. “How else,” he says, “will people see and experience change?”
THE UNIVERSAL HALL is where retreats, workshops and events are held to support people from around the world to experience a new way of being.
I attended sacred dance one evening, an ancient practice for weaving people together, connecting them to each other, the seasons and the world. This was just one small sample of Findhorn’s offerings to people seeking positive connection with each other, deeper meaning in life and enlightened alternatives to the modes of competition and conflict in operation in so many sectors of society.
There is so much to explore in Findhorn that this article cannot possibly encompass the depth and breadth of all that is on offer. I invite you to read the lengthier online version and to delve into the Findhorn website at your leisure. Opportunities await!
Images are with thanks to Hugo Klip, Findhorn resident and photographer: hugoklipphotography.com