Our spring issue is out now. Regular contributor and Neo-Tantra visionary Dawn Cartwright reflects on the evolving meaning of sexual freedom and how we can access it today. Dive on in to learn more…
tantric visionary
The Touch Of Spirit On The Body: The kiss we’ve been waiting for all our lives.
There is some kiss we want
with our whole lives,
the touch of spirit on the body.
-Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
When we think of acts of kindness, we think of things like buying a cup of coffee for the person behind us in line, complimenting the first three people we see, giving a friend a potted plant, or surprising a neighbour with freshly baked cookies. We rarely (okay, never) think of random acts of kindness in the bedroom – yet we should, because kindness has been scientifically proven to be the most important quality in relationships that last.
Whether we are single, dating, or in a relationship for years, kindness is the kiss we want with our whole lives. Join us for a special Positive Nights event with Dawn Cartwright on Thursday, April 4th, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. in Bewley’s Cafe, 78/79 Grafton Street, Dublin 2, and discover the touch of spirit on the body.
Dawn Cartwright will guide us through an evening of heart-centered NeoTantra practices sure to bring kindness into our intimate lives. Perfect for singles and couples who desire more openness, joy and love in their relationships with themselves and others.
To learn more and book your tickets, click here.
Dawn Cartwright is a Tantric visionary, sacred writer, world traveler, and innovator in bio-energetic Tantra fusion. You’re invited to join her for The Red Tent . Women’s Sacred Sexuality, April 12th – 14th, The White Tent . Men’s Sacred Sexuality, April 25th – 26th; Be Fully Alive . Level 1 Tantra Immersion, April 26th – 28th, in the Wicklow Mountains; Weaving the Beloveds . Couples Tantra Retreat, May 3rd – 6th, in Lower Rosses, Sligo and the ULTIMATE DEEP DIVE: a Year-Long Immersion Advanced Study & Teacher Training beginning in Ireland, April 2020.
Book your place now at dawncartwright.com.