Thursday 27th February, 8pm
Strawberry Suite, Hampton Hotel
A night out with a difference, and for one night only, we’re in the Strawberry Suite, downstairs in the Hampton Hotel – Pure white venue with red cushions, perfect!
Anamarta and Kris Deva North return to Dublin to share Taoist practice – how men and women can benefit from ancient wisdom for modern times.
‘A hundred years of good sex! Now that’s something to look forward to. The sages of ancient China said everyone is entitled to a hundred years of healthy life. And luckily for us they passed their secrets of sexy longevity down the generations through an unbroken line of Taoist Masters. The Living Master Mantak Chia shared these secrets with Anamarta and Kris Deva North who are coming to Dublin to share them with us. The idea is that by keeping the body healthy we keep mind, soul and spirit healthy too. And to keep the body healthy we learn how to avoid losing energy: we learn the secrets of the bedchamber. By merging Qi Gong, meditation, sexual and shamanic practice we learn to project the most powerful energy of creation to attain goals, realise dreams and come by the short path to enlightenment. Join us for a glimpse of Taoist shamanism, from where it all began, to where it all leads – and enjoy every step on the way.’
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