Home Holistic Health Toothfaerie: A Toothpaste With Flair

Toothfaerie: A Toothpaste With Flair

by Aisling Cronin

In the Short and Sweet section of the magazine, we often feature companies who inspire us … and our recently-released Summer 2020 issue was no exception. We loved speaking with Labhaoise Cracknell – founder of eco-friendly toothpaste brand Toothfaerie – about the inspiration that drives her. Read on to enjoy the full piece!

Tooth Magic

A toothpaste with flair

by Aisling Cronin

Toothfaerie is not your usual toothpaste brand. For starters, it produces Ireland’s first clay based and zero waste toothpaste, made with 90% organic ingredients and packaged in reusable glass jars.

The company is a deeply heartfelt endeavour for its founder, Labhaoise Cracknell, who makes each jar with love.

‘I began to make my own toothpaste in 2013, after having some very adverse reactions to usual toothpaste,’ she told me during a recent chat I had with her. ‘I was very serious about developing a natural toothpaste that worked. I researched every single ingredient that went into it, and when I later began to sell the toothpaste at local markets, I was passionate about spreading the word. It got to the stage where I would be standing at the stall, giving talks!’

The raw, mineralising toothpaste is made with organic oils, diatomaceous clay, the indigenous medicine ‘Dragons’ Blood’ – or Sangre De Grado – and transdermal active magnesium oil. It contains a range of health-boosting ingredients,  omega 3, omega 6, calcium, boron and silica.

Labhaoise sources her Sangre De Grado from Wakingherbs, a sustainable, fair-trade family project established in Ecuador which plants, buys and distributes ethnobotanical plants and no-timber forest products from the different ecosystems across South America.

Toothfaerie also contributes a portion of each jar’s profits to tree-planting efforts here in Ireland. ‘So far,’ Labhaoise explains, ‘we have planted 1500 native trees with Forests of Ireland, a non- profit volunteer group.’

The toothpaste comes in five different flavours, including a no-mint version and a charcoal version. Its texture is very smooth, with a slightly sweet taste. We love it!



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