We are pleased to share that on Thursday October 21st, we will be hosting breathwork master Dan Brulé, to explore how breathwork can unlock our hidden depths and latent potential. This event will take place over Zoom at 7.30 p.m. Irish Time. The link and login details will be sent to all ticket holders a day before the event (or on the day, if you buy your ticket on October 21st itself) and a replay link will be sent out afterwards.
Book your ticket using one of the options below.
“Breath is the ultimate key to your well-being, and if done right, it has the power to transform your entire life – physical, mental and spiritual … and Dan Brulé is the master to show you how … I love his coaching and it’s made a huge impact in my life.”
– Tony Robbins
Dan is a modern-day teacher, healer, and a world-renowned pioneer in the field of Breathwork. He is one of the creators of Breath Therapy, and was among the original group of Internationally Certified Rebirthers. He is a master of Prana Yoga (the Hindu Science of Breath) and Chi Kung/Qigong (Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises) and he leads the worldwide Spiritual Breathing Movement.
Since 1970, Dan Brulé has personally trained over 250,000 people in 67 countries to use breath and breathing for self-improvement, self-healing, and spiritual awakening. He has trained Olympic athletes, elite warriors and martial artists. He coaches leading medical experts, corporate executives, and peak performers including Tony Robbins. He is the author of several books including “Just Breathe: Master Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business and Beyond.”
Our event with Dan Brulé will take place on Thursday October 21st over Zoom at 7.30 p.m. Irish Time. The link and login details will be sent to all ticket holders a day before the event (or on the day, if you buy your ticket on October 21st itself) and a replay link will be sent out afterwards.