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Emma Henry Kinesiology

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Our autumn issue is out now. Kinesiologist Emma Henry tells us a little about her work and her upcoming courses. Dive on in to find out more…

Emma Henry – Kinesiologist


We recently caught up with Emma Henry, a Belfast-based Kinesiologist and EMK teacher. Emma first began practicing Kinesiology in 2013 and since then has developed her own niche of tapping into hidden emotions that lead to stress within the physical, emotional and mental body. Emma is a qualified Kinesiologist and Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner Instructor and is the Business Owner and Practitioner of Emma Henry Kinesiology. Emma loves working with clients within the energy of her Belfast Clinic. 

Emma is passionate about all things Kinesiology and enjoys sharing powerful tools, remedies and corrections that empower her clients to take responsibility for their health and well-being. Emma uses these tools in her everyday life and knows first-hand the transformation that can occur on all levels.

We caught up with Emma for a live interview on our Facebook page. During our conversation, Emma unpacked what Kinesiology is and its many benefits that help people move through the challenges they are facing. She describes herself as a detective of the soul – using muscle testing to go into the body to find the root cause of stress. Emma is the only certified teacher in the UK and Ireland.

The modality that Emma specialises in is EMK – Emotional and Metaphysical Kinesiology, which was developed in Melbourne, Australia by Denise Robinson. Often we behave, react, think and see the world through the lens of the part that needs to be healed. Emma teaches a course that have an emphasis on identifying the emotional root cause of stress – when in your life this is related to and who or what event triggered it. These are the parts that students then balance so they can be healed and integrate back fully into the present – this Emma says, is when the transformation occurs.

There are six courses taught face-to-face by Emma. This is an immersive course, with only 10 places available. Students are taught how to work with natural remedies using muscle testing – crystals, sound, flower essences, essential oils, acupressure, Aura-Soma and more. The course encompasses an online practitioner programme taught by Denise Robinson at the end, that covers how to run your business, communications, session protocols and more. Denise also gives all EMK Kinesiologists access to eight of her Mind, Body, Soul Wellbeing programmes.

At the end of the course, students are registered and qualified EMK Kinesiologists and EMK workshop facilitators. Emma’s course is accredited by the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) and the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists (AIK).

Find out more about Emma and her work here: emmahenrykinesiology.com

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