Our Autumn 2021 issue featured a wonderfully thought-provoking features from Rob Ó Cobhthaigh of Inwardbound – he explored how we can begin to create the communities we would like to see. Read his piece below.
Judith McAdam is our newest regular writer and we are thrilled to have her on board. If you haven’t seen it already, make sure you check out the visualisation track we created with her – it is available to purchase on our site right now. Below, we are sharing a sneak peek of her fantastic article on negative and positive momentum, which appears in our Winter 2018/19 issue. Check here for your nearest stockist, or subscribe to receive a copy direct to your door.
By Nick Clayson
Today, I am heading out to the shed to make a wooden bowl for eating out of. I have a large beech log liberated from Coole Park after the storms last year. Lady Gregory would have approved. It has been resting and I am hoping the fungal growth on the end of the log will have left the timber spalted, i.e., marked with black flecks, but not too soft to work. The wood will still be green (unseasoned). This is essential for working with a foot-powered pole lathe. I am growing to love working in this way. What began as learning to use a traditional and ancient tool has become a small but significant journey within. I was fortunate to spend a most enjoyable two days with Sharif Adams at the Steward Wood Community project. I learned how to roughly shape a bowl using an axe and mount it on the lathe.
Then to learn the tricky bit of how to get the long hook tools to cut. Sharif is a very skilled and patient teacher. At the end of my time there, I had a grasp of the basics. However, practising a new skill with expert guidance is very different from doing it on your own once you return home. My first bowl took me around eight hours and literally blood, sweat and tears. Think of it like learning to ride a bike, all the parts have to be there together or you have nothing. Like riding a bike, once you have it you have it and it is great, you forget about the painful phase of learning to pedal, balance, steer and look out where you’re going all at once.
There is a gentle rhythm to the pole lathe, pushing the treadle up and down with one leg. The tools are long and crook under your arm. It is a soothing process once you get the hang of it. Thin shavings of wood fly off and there is a wonderful scrunchy sound to accompany each cut.
The lathe I have made is a combination of scrap timber and a headstock hewn from a beech log. In the workshop I don’t have room for a six-metre birch pole so I have improvised a return spring using one of the many worn out bicycle inner tubes that I own. Each bowl takes on a life of its own. Ash is fibrous and teaches you how to keep tools sharp. Birch cuts and shapes easily. The beech log I’m working with today is beautiful and, although hard work, I am enjoying every second. The air is cold and the bowl spins in clouds of steam from my breath.
There is no need for cumbersome protective equipment. No ear-muffs, no gloves, no special boots, no glasses, no dust masks or any other health and safety paraphernalia to separate us from the world. I can hear birdsong and hold conversations (with myself) while working. Sights, sounds, scents, tastes, feeling it is very much a whole body practice. It makes me aware of how separate from the world our lives have become because all of these things should be very ordinary and a part of the every day, but for most of us, most of the time, they are not.
Nick Clayson is an architect, craftsman and yurt maker facebook.com/bigfootyurts
Creating as Second Nature
An expanding circle of greatness.
By Dee Wallace.
Believe in miracles. Believe in all possibility. Believe in the new. During an amazing private session with one of my clients, the following information was delivered, and establishes the guiding points we need to always remain in balance and creation.
1. Am I loving myself?
2. Do I live in endless love for all energy?
3. Am I living in the Present Moment?
4. Do I know I Am the God and Creator of me?
Thankfully, there are only four main things to remember. Everything else is REmembering one, or all, of those cornerstones. When these four cornerstones are in place energetically, conscious, complete creation is happening.
This is what the channel calls “The Circle of Creation.” When these are circulating together in a continuously flowing circle, we expand and the understanding of creation expands. When they are out of harmony, it affects the others and the circle is pulled within itself, like water down a drain. It constricts, rather than expands.
Read the rest of the article in the winter 2015 issue of Positive Life. Subscribe | Stockists
Q: I really want to make money from working at something I love but I’m not sure how to approach this or even what direction to go. Have you any advice on this? Work and money can be a slow process to get where you want to be, I just wondered if you have any great insights or advice to share on this? Especially as a woman who seems to be working in things you love!
Submit a question for Dee in the anonymous form at the end of this article.
By Dee Wallace
You have to understand that money is an emotional creation, like everything in the Universe, it is created by love or the lack of it. The more you love money, love making it, love creating it, respect it, honour it and cherish it, the more it shows up for you. Like any great relationship, it responds to you the more you want to be with it and value it.
Our society and religions teach us this is not okay, that we are “better people” to live without more than we “need,” that we have to struggle and work hard to have the right to have enough, that we are not worthy, that money corrupts our moral fiber, and many other false beliefs that limit the flow to us of the abundant wealth in this world.
Let’s look at a quick breakdown of what is going on with you. The first limiting belief to address is: “work and money can be a slow process to get where you want to be.” Why? Who gave you that thought or belief? You certainly didn’t come IN with it! You came in knowing you were all possibility! Invite yourself to expand into the new thought that there is nothing easier and more effortless than doing what you love.
Next, get clear about what that is. What rocks your boat? What are you passionate about? What gives you that excited feeling when you think about doing it? Now start exploring your possibilities about THAT. How can you begin? Let yourself play in and accept all fabulous possibilities available to you!
The last hidden belief here is that you don’t really believe that “working” and “fun” and “loving it” go together. I do a million things that others call work, but for me, they are exciting expressions of creativity that I choose to play in. Repeat after me: I love life!
Right now you are saying to money: I don’t need to love you, but I expect you to be in this relationship with me. I am making you the excuse of my lack of creation, because I am not choosing and deciding what I want. I am not taking any action to invest in this relationship. If this were a personal relationship with another being, how much do you think they would want to participate in this with you? Most of us would see the lack of intention and commitment and run the other way.
Of course, like anything, the first step in creation is loving yourself. Be the person you would want to fall in love with, and be dedicated to yourself and the love for your own being. Then you will want to give you everything, including doing what you love and making money joyfully doing that. State with clarity and knowing: I Am the God of Me that gets to create me the way I choose. And then choose. You are worth it and you deserve it.
Submit a question for Dee in the form below. Leave email blank to remain anonymous.
Dee Wallace has worked as an author, teacher, dancer and actress in film, television and the stage for over 30 years. (E.T., Cujo, The Howling). Her book, Bright Light, tells that tale and shares the spiritual lessons she has learned from a life in acting.
Continuous Creation – Flowing freely in blissful success, By Dee Wallace
How to keep the flow of creation consistent.
By Dee Wallace
I want to talk about Being Creation. You are. And when we move into total acceptance that this is an absolute truth, our bodies, minds, emotions and consciousness shift into a powerful creation machine that is basically fool proof. Sound too good to be true? Then it will be…for you. Those of us who joyfully choose to commit to the creators that we are, create the lives we want because we create ourselves first.
We choose to be the God that chooses the thought, chooses the emotion (even though we may not ‘feel’ that way in the moment), chooses the open heart, and chooses to hold the focus no matter what. We are the Gods that are in charge of our creation, and then the One Energy rushes forward to support that.
Here are all the things we need to remember about being The Creator of Us:
- It’s not a dream or a theory. It is law.
- It must be chosen now and in each moment of now.
- There are no dualities. There is the Oneness of Creation and Joy and Love. Period.
- There is nothing else to fix or know. That’s it. We are complete. It’s done.
What else could possibly be left to ‘do’ or ‘know’ if we truly know we are the creators of us? But if we do insist on keeping that belief, we have to keep ourselves creating the lack and the struggle and that keeps the very drama going that we are insisting we want to let go of. Kind of like being addicted to alcohol or sex or drugs; we can become addicted to “getting better” or “getting there”, as opposed to knowing; we are already there.
The patterns of having and not having, getting and losing etc. show up because we create, and then we stop. This happens most easily at the moment when we have finally created something we want, then we coast and stop creating! Every moment we are creating, consciously or unconsciously, and therefore we must stay in Conscious Creation.
Get up and direct your day. If you fall down, pick yourself up, get yourself out. Choose the reaction and the creation of the reality of You. Direct yourself to Know, to Be Clarity, to Be Health, Be Wealth. Be everything your heart desires. Know it’s not only possible but that you deserve it because you create it that way, consistently and continuously, ever-flowing. Take a moment to relish and experience the freedom of that. Be the frequency of Grace and the be the balance of masculine/feminine and child energy in the radiation of your light. Be the love for yourself that is the Creative Force. Celebrate you, my magnificent and open-hearted friends and people I love.
Dee Wallace has worked as an author, teacher, dancer and actress in film, television and the stage for over 30 years. (E.T., Cujo, The Howling). Her book, Bright Light, tells that tale and shares the spiritual lessons she has learned from a life in acting.