Our Winter 2021/22 issue has just gone to print. In it Judith McAdam talks about listening to your intuition and altering that internal dialogue to open up more possibilities– dive on in for a sneak peek!
Lake Shore Calling: An Inspired Healing Centre
One of the amazing holistic luminaries we interviewed for our Autumn 2021 issue was Yvonne Skelly. Yvonne is a healer and visionary entrepreneur who runs three wellness businesses – the newest of which is the beautiful Lake Shore Wellness Centre, located in Blessington.
June Vibes: The Best Holistic Happenings This Month
The glorious days of mid-summer are upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by getting out and about to enjoy some exciting events or sample some of the best holistic products on the market? Read on to learn more about the highlights we’ve picked out for you for this month. We are also thrilled to announce that our Summer 2018 issue is out, packed with some amazing content (including an interview with the legendary Adyashanti, who graces the cover). It is available at stockists throughout the country. You can also subscribe here to get a copy delivered right to your door.
NTOI Announces Two-Day AGM & Conference
NTOI (Nutritional Therapists of Ireland) is the professional association supporting qualified Nutritional Therapists in Ireland. All NTOI members study for a minimum of 3 years at a recognised college and are trained in clinical practice. They are fully insured and must comply with the NTOI requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). On Friday June 22nd and Saturday June 23rd, NTOI will be holding its Annual General Meeting and Conference in the Green Isle Hotel, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. This is the first time their conference will be held over two days. “We are very excited about this years event. It will be bigger and better than ever! We have 2 world class Functional Medicine speakers: Dr David Brady and Dr Deanna Minich, fantastic sponsors, including a lunch sponsor (so lunch is included in the ticket price), and a wide variety of exhibitors.” Check out their website for more information.
Dreaming of Nature
We love the work of the spirituality, nature and ancestral skills collective, Earth Dreaming. Founder Sky Maria Buitenhuis has extensive experience in supporting people to deepen their connection to nature. This process includes connecting to our own inner nature as part of the larger natural landscape. Sky has worked as a facilitator for a variety of different programs as well as developing her own workshops and trainings. She is also the co-founder of GIFT (Global Institute of Forest Therapy) and the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. Working in tandem with her many talented guest teachers, Sky aims to help people connect to their true nature by offering workshops and courses in Ancestral Skills, Spirit Work, Forest Bathing, Womens’ Courses and Nature Connection Training.
Support Your Health with Thermography
Mairead McDermott is a qualified thermographer, guidance counsellor and teacher. She has received qualifications from ACCT Florida, NUI Maynooth, University of Brighton and IADT Dun Laoghaire. She has also studied nutrition, food science and psychology. Having regained perfect health after a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, Mairead is passionate about working with people who have been affected by an adverse health diagnosis. Thermography is one of her tried-and-trusted means of assisting clients. She explains, “thermography is Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI). It is a method of capturing an image of the body based on the thermal patterns it emits. Some clients use it as an annual health check, some use it to discover the source of pain, some use it for obvious symptoms and some use it as a preventative tool. It is suitable for both men and women and it can also be used for pets.” You can book an appointment with her here, or visit her website below for more information.
Upcoming Positive Night: Music to Lift the Heart with Ayla Nereo
Ayla Nereo’s voice is a beacon of light that hits straight to the heart. Her songs call us to listen deeper. For the depth of each song is in the words; her lucid storytelling and lyrical imagery ring as anthems, riddles, and mantras for hope, humanness, profound healing, and love. To listen to one of her songs, “Whispers”, click here. She is visiting Positive Nights on Sunday June the 24th, from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m., for a performance that is sure to be spectacular. It will take place in the beautiful surroundings of the Bewley’s Café Theatre on Grafton Street, Dublin 2. You can purchase tickets via this Eventbrite link.
Golden Egg Holistic Centre Announce Their Latest Courses
Golden Egg Holistic is a peaceful healing space and training centre located near to Portlaoise, Co.Laois. Treatments & therapies available at Golden Egg Holistic include Reflexology, Holistic Massage, Fertility/Well Woman Massage, Indian Head Massage, Sound Healing, Hopi Ear Candling, Energy Healing, Holistic Facials, Touch therapy for Autism, and Paediatric Massage. They source the most highly qualified and experienced Irish and International Holistic Trainers, in order to offer only the best quality Diploma, Postgraduate and CPD approved training courses to Irish holistic therapists. Their Diploma courses include Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Holistic Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy.
Awaken to Your Intuition With Psychic Art
Colin Hall is a psychic artist who uses his creativity to give evidential demonstrations of the of survival of the soul and proof of life after death. Early experiences led him on a lifelong quest to develop his spiritual gifts and express them through his artwork. Colin’s work is strongly influenced by Celtic, Chinese and Art Nouveau styles, with endlessly flowing forms, mythical images of Gods and Goddesses and the nature of a world that dwells all around and within us. He will be delivering a Pastel Painting workshop on Saturday September 29th, and individual readings and auragraph sessions on Friday September 28th and Sunday September 30th. He will also be appearing at Positive Nights very soon – watch this space for more details! To learn more, contact monika@crystallinecosmos.com or go to Colin’s website below.
Upcoming Workshop: Exploring the Intuitive Self with Paul Buggle this Saturday April 8th, 2017
We heard the first workshop was fantastic. The next one is this Saturday and we still have places available! Check below how to book!
Date: Saturday, April 8th, 2017 Time: 10:00am – 5:30pm Arrival time: 9:45am Location: Monkstown, Co. Dublin Cost: Eur 90.00
A day of exploring and connecting to your intuitive self with Paul Buggle.
We all have a natural ability to sense and communicate with our intuition and spirit. The ability to be outside of yourself and present within at the same time, where you are connecting to your expanded awareness of the higher-self.
It can happen in the most unexpected of ways: while doing a task, the feeling you are being drawn to a place or something you would not be normally be interested in. Then suddenly it makes sense and you know in that moment that it is true! The mind and the emotions can impinge on our ability to receive these messages but the body can register a deeper truth as a an unexpected sensation. Dreams, coincidences, serendipity, deja vu and even our pets can give us signs.
It takes time and patience to develop this sensitivity and awareness. It’s necessary to cultivate a sense of the inner-self where you can grow and develop your intuition and guidance.
This intuitive workshop helps one to evolve this innate ability that we all have. The schedule for the day will be a guided meditation, learning attunement skills, practical exercises with discussion, individual assistance and guidance as well as a vegan lunch included.
I have been interested in this subject for a long time and it never ceases to amaze me what amazing potential we have and how it can be hidden within us until awoken. It’s time to explore together what we are all truly capable of…
To book contact Paul directly at 0871257073 or email us at positivenights@gmail.com
By Patrick Bridgeman
Real wisdom comes from within
When I was born, I relied on the wisdom of my parents and guardians to keep me alive. As I grew older, I learned from my own experience, but society placed more importance on my learning from teachers and textbooks. My role models were my family and friends, and characters on TV and in comic books. It was the norm to accept the opinions of doctors, priests, Gardaí and politicians over our own thoughts and feelings. However, while this provides us with a wealth of information that our intellectual mind can then process into useable knowledge, real wisdom only comes from within.
This habit of looking outside of ourselves for the answers to our internal questions only works if we look with the understanding that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. In that way, we can get an idea of what is going on in our mind and our energy field by looking at what we are attracting into our experience. This can be helpful when there is no obvious pattern of thought related to our recurring experiences. Otherwise, my advice is to cultivate the stillness and silence required to clearly hear your own inner guidance.
It goes by many names: intuition, inspiration, your higher self, your gut feeling. Whatever you would like to call it, it is in tune with all-that-is in the moment it makes itself heard. It is of the moment, for the moment; and once you have gotten used to it, tuning in becomes second nature, only takes a second, and won’t leave you second guessing.
The process is three-fold. Firstly, listen, with all of your senses, for what might be a fleeting glimpse of the most brilliant insight. Secondly, trust that guidance, even when your intellectual mind begs to differ. Thirdly, act upon the impulse in the moment it was meant for. If you procrastinate because your intellectual mind frightens you with logic, the alignment can move out of sync, and the inspired action might miss its target.
The trick is to recognise the difference between intuition, desire and fear. I’ve been practicing tuning in for years now, and it has become relatively easy to recognise that feeling of pure guidance from a clear source, but I do still have moments clouded by fear and desire. I also have moments when I’m not even trying to tune in, and some guidance comes through loud and clear.
The right time to act is also something that can be known intuitively, so check in before you act out. Sometimes, the best thing to do is wait. You may feel almost in alignment, but not quite. When I feel this way, I trust that some energy is in the process of shifting and I will know when the time is right for me to act. Like with any creative process, the gestation period is just as important as the expression.
I try to honour my cycles of rest and productivity as much as possible. When I ignore my intuition on the orders of my sense of obligation, my work doesn’t flow, I feel stressed, and I usually encounter problems such as my computer freezing. That’s why, when I’m facilitating a healing session, I put total trust in my intuition, even if I’m guided to pause for an indefinite amount of time.
As the You-niverse is ever-changing, the intuitive guidance you received earlier in the year may no longer be fitting. Your alignment could have changed dramatically within a short space of time, which is why it is important to check in on a regular basis. Let go of what was right for then, and tune in to what is right for now. When you go with the flow, you can live a fulfilling life of effortless ease.