Our summer issue is out now. Our regular contributor Judith McAdam illuminates the necessity of forming a healthy relationship with yourself before you can do so with anyone else. Dive on in to learn more…
As One Door Closes, Another Opens
Amanda Collins is an inspirational speaker, self-love guide and Feng Shui Master. She founded the International Feng Shui School and training program, which offers in-person and on-line certification courses. Amanda created the Inner Circle of Wisdom as a source of support, inspiration and friendship to help you find your own joy, invite miracles and live your greatest self. You can access her latest videos, webinars, podcasts, meditations and on-line community anywhere in the world. Amanda also leads sacred journeys around Ireland, tapping into ancient ritual with an uncanny ability to make modern-day magic.
Notable clients such as Bloomingdales, Bank of America, Hewlett-Packard and Dreamworks have reported breakthroughs with her Feng Shui consulting. She is frequently interviewed in the media, and has appeared in Vogue, Yoga Journal, Spirit and Destiny, Irish Examiner, RTE Television in Ireland, Fox News and KSWB-TV. If you are a reader of the Positive Life print magazine, you will also recognise her as our regular Feng Shui columnist!
During this evening, Amanda will share how we can dive deeper into Self love, and from that place, see all of our relationships transform. Healthy relationships, just like areas in your home, depend on positive energy flow. During our time with Amanda, she will reveal the Feng Shui principles necessary to create relationship harmony with self, your love, family members and friends.
Join us from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. on Thursday September 6th in the Bewley’s Café Theatre, 78/79 Grafton Street, Dublin 2, to learn how you can move deeper into love with the help of Feng Shui. Doors open at 7.00 p.m. Tickets are available via this Eventbrite link.
To join Amanda’s upcoming Feng Shui Master Certification in Wexford during October 2018, click here.
Judith McAdam and Kathy Scott are leading a one-day urban retreat called Igniting Your Personal Purpose on Sunday August 26th, from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00. p.m. in the Fumbally Stables, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8. This retreat aims to help you connect with your passion, align with your values and ignite your personal purpose so that you can create your best life from the inside out. Click here to learn more.
Igniting Your Personal Purpose is a one-day urban retreat with Judith McAdam and Kathy Scott. It aims to help you connect with your passion, align with your values and ignite your personal purpose so that you can create your best life from the inside out. This is a special invitation to experience practices that include Meditation, Energy Alignment and Healing, Powerful Visualisation Techniques, Kundalini Yoga, Journaling and other gifts from the wisdom traditions.
Judith McAdam, author of the acclaimed self-development book, The Source, is a mother, theologian, kinesiologist, life coach, course facilitator and inspirational speaker. During her recent Positive Night visit with us, she had many gems to share!
Throughout her career, Judith has inspired people to tap into their unique creative intelligence and step into their true potential, realising their personal and higher purpose in this life. Judith weaves together the ancient and the new, by drawing on mystical theological traditions and connecting this information to contemporary psychology and science in an accessible and impactful way.
Judith marries theory and twenty first century human experience specialising on issues around health, relationships, infertility, finance and career. She synthesises her knowledge to reveal the universal principles that unite us all, with the over-riding message that our greatest power lies within us – and if we harness that power we can deliberately create our own reality.
Kathy Scott, meanwhile, is a creative producer, curator and strategist in the cultural arena. She is the Creative Director of The Trailblazery, the Ireland : Iceland project and Wonderlust at Body&Soul Festival, and is currently artist-in-residence at Trinity College Dublin.
Kathy is passionate about creating and curating experiences that celebrate the human spirit. She has worked and played with a host of artists, collectives, activists and pioneers around the world to make cultural projects that animate the times we live in. She is dedicated to creating work that orients around our shared heart-centred qualities of courage, compassion and care.
This retreat is open to all levels – no previous experience is necessary. Prepare to embark on an experiential adventure to a more awakened empowered self. During this journey, you will:
- Discover how to deliberately create your own reality
- Identify and release the fears that are holding you back
- Explore what makes you feel really alive
- Embody the power of intention
- Experience and integrate your personal purpose on a mind, body and spirit level
It certainly sounds like this workshop will be an incredible experience. To learn more and reserve your place, click here. The price is €125, with early bird prices available until August 20th. Just a reminder: it is taking place on Sunday August 26th, from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. in the Fumbally Stables, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8.
On Thursday September 6th, inspirational Feng Shui and self-love coach (and our very own Feng Shui writer) Amanda Collins will be joining us in the Bewley’s Café Theatre, 78/79 Grafton Street, Dublin 2 from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. She will share how we can learn to grow in self-love with the help of Feng Shui. Read on to learn more!
Amanda Collins is an inspirational speaker, self-love guide and Feng Shui Master. She founded the International Feng Shui School and training program, which offers in-person and on-line certification courses. Amanda created the Inner Circle of Wisdom as a source of support, inspiration and friendship to help you find your own joy, invite miracles and live your greatest self. You can access her latest videos, webinars, podcasts, meditations and on-line community anywhere in the world. Amanda also leads sacred journeys around Ireland, tapping into ancient ritual with an uncanny ability to make modern-day magic.
Notable clients such as Bloomingdales, Bank of America, Hewlett-Packard and Dreamworks have reported breakthroughs with her Feng Shui consulting. She is frequently interviewed in the media, and has appeared in Vogue, Yoga Journal, Spirit and Destiny, Irish Examiner, RTE Television in Ireland, Fox News and KSWB-TV. If you are a reader of the Positive Life print magazine, you will also recognise her as our regular Feng Shui columnist!
During this evening, Amanda will share how we can dive deeper into Self love, and from that place, see all of our relationships transform. Healthy relationships, just like areas in your home, depend on positive energy flow. During our time with Amanda, she will reveal the Feng Shui principles necessary to create relationship harmony with self, your love, family members and friends.
Join us from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. on Thursday September 6th in the Bewley’s Café Theatre, 78/79 Grafton Street, Dublin 2, to learn how you can move deeper into love with the help of Feng Shui. Doors open at 7.00 p.m. Tickets are available via this Eventbrite link.
To join Amanda’s upcoming Feng Shui Master Certification in Wexford during October 2018, click here.
In this beautiful article from our Summer 2018 issue, Amanda Collins invites us to open up to the power of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. You can pick up a copy of the magazine at your local stockist or subscribe here.
Opening to the Gifts of Vulnerability
At peace with being YOU
By Amanda Collins
I was in my late twenties before I really understood what vulnerability meant and the gifts it offered. It was much easier for me to act positively and say that everything was just fine, rather than share that soft and sacred part of myself with anyone.
Over time I saw the benefits of acknowledging my own vulnerability. My introduction to vulnerability came at a time when I had no choice. My dearest girlfriend became ill and died of cancer, and I experienced a domino effect of grief and sadness. I had no choice but to allow myself to be VULNERABLE. Thank goodness I had people who could hold me and show me that I was safe, even if I felt sad, weak and powerless, and therefore vulnerable.
Another time when I had no choice but to acknowledge my vulnerability was after the birth of each of my children. At such a time no woman is able to do it all herself. By acknowledging this fact and accepting the love and support of others I was able to look at this special time as a gift and an opportunity to go deeper into myself.
I understand why being vulnerable and showing it can be scary. It feels that you are opening yourself up to rejection and it’s natural to react by wanting to protect yourself; but really, a defensive reaction brings more hurt mentally, physically, and emotionally. You remain bound, constrained, and unable to heal and to better know yourself.
I still remember those days when I was just beginning to allow myself to be vulnerable. I was sure that I my friends and others would reject me. I imagined that they would not accept me if I revealed any weakness or need. But the more I did precisely that, the more I discovered that people’s reaction was the complete opposite. We became closer and our relationships became more real.
Do you also feel that being vulnerable will make you seem weak or broken? Let me assure you once again that the opposite will actually happen. You will become more confident, for you are no longer feeling like you are hiding parts of yourself and being a fraud. Imagine the relief and release that will bring as the real you–all of you–emerges!
Benefits of Allowing Yourself to Be Vulnerable:
- Becoming at peace with who you are
- Feeling more grounded
- Experiencing more freedom and less pretense
- Sensing the world as a safer place
- Expanding your heart with self-compassion and forgiveness
- Allowing others to offer emotional support
- Strengthening your nervous and immune systems
- Developing trust, confidence, and a greater sense of self-worth.
- Replacing isolation and loneliness with connection
- Taking back your power to be yourself
- Learning to ask for what you need
Practical Tips For Accepting Your Vulnerability
- Know the light and dark in your self
- Accept that you are worthy to be heard, known and loved
- Be willing to risk expressing your thoughts, feelings, and wishes
- Don’t clench when you sense yourself becoming vulnerable; open instead
- Trust that you can deal with the outcome, no matter what
- Stay connected to yourself
- Remember that everyone else is going through something, too
- Practice with people who help you feel safe
How To Know You Are Not Being Vulnerable:
- You do not have close friendships
- You constantly feel like you are hiding
Sharing your vulnerability takes tremendous courage, but it also allows others to share their pain, as well as their joys, and bring you closer. When you stop worrying what others think of you and stop trying to appear perfect, you will be amazed by the gifts that come to you.