Summer Astrology Sneak Peek: Affecting Astral Bodies
Empowering thought forms and waves of change.
By Andrew Smith
A thought-form is a type of living entity, of high energy, animated by the idea or feeling that spawned it. The stronger the emotion that composes its matrix, the greater the energy and power it creates. Every definitive thought or emotion produces two effects – firstly, a radiating vibration which operates on a wider, more influential scale; and secondly, a floating form with less reach that has an immediate and personal influence.
An emotionally charged thoughtform that is established and radiates from your mental body tends to reproduce its own frequency in any mental body on which it impacts, producing self similar emotional thoughts in the world around you. These radiating vibrations carry not only the subject, but the character, of your thought also. Consequently, any thought-emotion-form is capable of affecting not only your own mental state and the astral bodies, but also those of other people with whom your thought-feelings come into contact.
As Mercury, the planet that symbolises conscious thought processes, stations in connection with Saturn, depicting how we structure our consciousness, in early June, you have the opportunity to inwardly explore how powerfully impacted you are by your emotional-thought-forms, as he moves from the watery domain of our feeling state, back into the airy landscape of our minds over a six week period.
Reflect for a moment on the structure of the constant stream of conversation that goes on within your own mind-space. Does that chatter predominately revolve around ‘what-if’ type scenarios? Do you limit yourself by engaging with negative thinking during your inner questioning? How powerful are the emotions invoked during your soliloquy? Have you ever considered the origin of those non-constructive thoughts? Are they genuinely yours or do they derive from an external agency, (such as the media, your family, your socio-religious background etc.)?
Your thought-forms create your perception of reality. Your thoughts literally create your world. Moreover the world at large has been created by ideas intensified by meaningful feeling. You don’t have to dig to deeply to uncover how the passion of a few souls has inspired the lives of many – from the story of The Christ and the zealousness of St. Paul his evangelising; the rhetoric of Martin Luther King; the gentleness of both Gandhi and Nelson Mandela; to the rigorous determination of Marie Curie and the heavenly inspired Jeanne d’Arc. Their ideas, fuelled by their passion, have shaped our culture.
During the month of June, I would like you to reflect on the question – what is stopping you from changing your inner thoughts from critical, non-answered questions to a simple – how can I? How can I best serve my life? How can I believe in myself? How can I ask myself better questions, as opposed to filling my mind space with a stream of negations?
Whilst life coaches maintain that you can change your reality anytime, from an astrological perspective there appear to be times within the limitations of third dimensional reality wherein the conditions are more apt to ‘seed’ a different message; times wherein the energetic conditions are ripe to create conditions receptive to bringing forth emotionally charged ideals that fuel your/our consensus reality. You/we are living through such a time this summer, as Saturn and Uranus: the infamous couple ‘Tension’ and its companion, ‘Release’, dance awkwardly together in a discontinuous liaison.
We should, however, be accustomed to the ‘squeeze/stretch’ sensation of this intense deconstruction/reconstruction vibration, marked by an increase of unusual emotional, geophysical and socio-economic tensions, feelings of rebellion, an urge for freedom, a desire to kick against the oppression of any authoritative structure and an emergence of hope that always comes as we project into the future. This libidinal, freeing, reformist wave was a salient feature of our lives in January, October and November of 2012, as well as in April and October of 2013. In the aftermath of this reformist tsunami, from June 5th through to August 24th, integration is the key concept this time and holds the promise of resolving many problems and issues that have concerned us, as long as we do not return to the same thinking that created the systems that have been breaking down during the past six years.
The test of our willingness to embrace a new path arises during late June as we experience the formation of another Mars-Uranus-Pluto signature. Starting in 2008, this isthe first series of ‘Tempest of Transition’ signatures that we have encountered since 1931-35, as we split the atom and altered the destiny of humanity by giving into the rising dark forces that swept our collective psyche. Every two years since 2008, we have been faced with similar choice points to those who lived during the paradigm changing 1930s – do we permit darkness to spread though our non-action or do we bravely stand firm to our inner ideals or convictions?
Not only has our consciousness altered irrevocably since the 1930s, due, in part, to the bravery of singular souls who have stood up for truth against a rising wave of apathy during each successive phase of the Pluto-Uranus dance in 1949-51, 1965-68 and 1986-88, but the overall cosmic weather is different this summer supported by an additional rare planetary dialogue that was not present during that dark period in history.
Roughly every 146 years, the Earth realm experiences an opportunity to heal the deeply entrenched, limiting, emotional fears that wound our collective emotional space. First experienced during mid-November of 2012, again on the Vernal equinox of 2013 and in early October of 2013, such a space opens up for us in mid-June and again in early August to heal and subsequently reclaim our wounded sense of inner authority; to release any deep seated karmic emotional imprints; and to experience the emergence of a hard-won wisdom, earned as you have successfully ascended from the depths of your own soul, having embodied its darkness and joy and having been handed the gift of deep acceptance of your incarnation.
Now is, therefore, not the time to maintain the thought-forms that defined our previous way of being. Those methods simply do not work anymore – be they the limitations of the logical, positivist methodology of the material and economic sciences or the codification of a hierarchical misogyny within the monotheistic religious traditions. Never in recorded history has there been such a level of awareness that the system simply is not working! We have been experiencing and witnessing the tumultuous clash between the Old and the New, as ‘dissenters’ rise up against their ‘feudal lords’, as those in power fervently tighten their grip on the reins of their ailing dinosaur, knowing that the meteor is about to strike.
Our world is created by your interior health, which is why the summer of 2014 is so important in terms of birthing a new way of viewing life. Imagine what the world would look like if your interior world; your moral senses; your wisdom and your willingness to risk for the greater good was central to this new paradigm? What an extra-ordinary reality we would help coax into being!
Andrew’s private practice is in Blackrock, South Dublin. For further information on consultations, workshops or classes, or to receive his free newsletter, email, text 086 8823554 or join him on Facebook.