Facebook Page Event | Thursday, October 6th, 7:30pm | Eur 20/15 Concession
Doors open at: 6:45pm
Dawn Cartwright is on her way back to Positive Nights for an experiential evening of discovery.
You will be guided you through exquisitely beautiful Tantric practices designed for singles and couples alike, a journey into the far reaches of the heart. You will discover what the Tantric sages have known for thousands of years. The more love you are willing to see in the world, the more love appears all around and within you.
This experiential workshop is designed for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. It is not necessary to have any previous Tantra or meditation experience. All ages and orientations are welcome.
You will explore . . .
What is Tantra? The spiritual journey.
– The personal discovery.
– Tantric breathing,
– Tantra yoga, Tantra meditations & more.
– Beautiful heart opening practices that liberate the spirit.
– The connection between Tantra and intimacy.
– What is Divine Love?
– What is sacred sexuality?
– Can it be a personal, inner journey?
– Activating & channeling ecstatic energy in the body.
Tantra practices and techniques to take home for future exploration.
To ensure your seat please prepay through Paypal by sending payment to positivenights@gmail.com with your name & DawnCartwrightevent as the reference.
Email us at positivenights@gmail.com for any more info!
We look forward to seeing you there!