Home Events Positive Nights Presents: Paul Congdon in Conversation With Martin Duffy

Positive Nights Presents: Paul Congdon in Conversation With Martin Duffy

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We are pleased to share that Martin Duffy, shamanic practitioner, transpersonal psychotherapist, and director of the OakTree Charitable Trust, is joining us for a special Positive Nights event on Thursday November 1st in the Central Hotel, 1-5 Exchequer Street, Dublin 2. Click here to book your tickets.


Paul says, ‘the last time Martin visited us at Positive Nights, we had an amazing discussion, one of my favourites – this time we will enjoy more of the same.’

The topics you can expect include: shamanism, holotropic breathwork, Wetiko, astral travel, plant medicines, psychedelic therapy revival, the current global crisis, the psyche, Carl Gustav Jung and transpersonal psychotherapy. This will be a once-off unique discussion, brimming with teachings and insights that you can use in your own life.

About Martin Duffy MIAHIP, MIACP, CMHN, EAP:

Martin is the director of the OakTree Charitable Trust, a nonprofit organisation that runs the Irish Centre for Shamanic Studies and The Transpersonal Institute at Dunderry Park, Co. Meath. The Centre is dedicated to promoting and preserving shamanic traditions from around the world, particularly those of the pre-Celtic and Celtic era. Contemporary transpersonal approaches are also taught at the centre.

Martin has worked as a mental health care professional since 1977. He is an accredited transpersonal/Jungian psychotherapist. He has trained in various forms of consciousness raising methods, including Holotropic Breathwork ™, Dreamwork, Trance Dancing and Firewalking.

His grandfather and mother are traditional folk healers and he is following in their footsteps. His work is influenced by the Druid traditions of ancient Ireland.

He has done fieldwork with indigenous Shamans from Mongolia, Mexico, the Amazon, the Andes, and Africa, and also has trained in Core Shamanism with the Foundation of Shamanic Studies (U.S.A.) and the Scandinavian Centre for Shamanic Studies.

Martin brings warmth and compassion to his shamanic practice.

He has strong values with regards to integrity, honesty and openness. In particular, he believes in empowering the individual to find healing, knowledge and wisdom within themselves.

He is available for one-to-one sessions for Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Shamanic Counselling, soul retrieval, extraction work, shamanic healing and ceremonies. For more information, see www.shamanismireland.com or email info@shamanismireland.com.

Join us on November 1st for what is sure to be an enlightening evening! Click here to reserve your place – tickets can also be purchased at the door.

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