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Co-Creative Gardening

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We love this beautiful explanation of co-creative gardening by Tina de Burca, which featured in the Short and Sweet section of our Winter 2022 issue. To learn more about this transformative skill, keep reading below…

Co-Creative Gardening

Using kinesiology to establish communication

By Tina De Burca

Although I have been gardening for over 30 years now, in the words of Socrates, “I know that I know nothing.”

We are only starting to understand how amazing nature’s intelligence is. There is a constant exchange of energy happening and we are part of it. You might notice how different your energy feels after a walk in the woods. In co-creative gardening we use this energy exchange in a conscious way. For example, if I wanted to plant a rose in my garden, I would first connect to myself (all that I am, not just my mind) and then connect with the deva of my garden to ask, “Is this rose suitable to plant here?”

Personally, I don’t hear the answer, but I might sense it. To verify, I use kinesiology (muscle testing). Try to imagine it as an energy exchange. For a Yes, my body moves forward, using the sway technique. A No would block the flow and my body will lean backwards. Once we have established a baseline of communication, the opportunities are endless!

It is far more than a gardening technique, more a life skill. The more we can open and sense, rather than think, the deeper the connection becomes – to ourselves and to nature. My knowledge of the structure in nature’s intelligence is based on the Perelandra Garden Workbook by Machaelle Small Wright. If you would like to experience it, join me for a workshop this January. My garden is based near Athenry, Co. Galway.


Tina de Burca: tidebu@gmail.com

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