With the days becoming darker and nights closing in, it is an ideal time to nurture your inn er light. On e way to do this is to play with praise. By praise, I don’t mean anything religious. Rather, a very natural way of being that is experienced by being present and rising above judgement and criticism.
By Sandy Newbigging
Praise creates gratitude and gratitude leads to love. It is a choice that you can make at any moment, irrespective of what’s happening, and possesses the power to immediately make you feel good.
Let me prove it to you now. Wherever you happen to be as you read these words, find something that you do not like. (I know it’s not a very positive thing for me to ask you to do, but bear with me, we are going somewhere!) Then, once you’ve found it, actively think negative thoughts about it for a few moments.
You might notice a stain on the carpet, a pile of dirty clothes that need to be washed, or hear music that you don’t like coming from your neighbour’s place. Find something now and think negative thoughts about it for a few moments. As you do, notice what happens within your body and emotions. Do you notice a heaviness or constriction in your body, or any downward-spiralling negative emotional experiences?
Now, with the exact same thing you were just being negative about, I want you to find something praiseworthy. I appreciate that you may have to really stretch your imagination and be creative, but nevertheless, for a few moments, I want you to actively think positive and praiseful comments about it in your mind. For example, you could now choose to be appreciative of having a carpet that keeps your house warm, clothes to wear and fully functioning ears that are able to hear sounds.
Again, as you do, notice what happens within your body and emotions. If you genuinely do rise above the previous negative opinions by focusing on what you can praise, you will find that a change occurs within your psyche. The feedback I receive when asking people to do this includes that they feel lighter, more upbeat or open and expansive. Now here’s the point. Miraculously, the thing you were originally criticising did not have to change for your inner experience to improve – your experience changed and improved simply through the power of praise. This simple praise game illustrates a liberating possibility when it comes to enjoying freedom from problems and lightening up your life. It proves that your emotional experience of life is ultimately your choosing. By “experience of life”, I don’t mean the external events occurring because they can often be outside your direct control. However, your inner experience of life can always be an uplifting one if you choose to make it a priority to praise. Happiness comes from you being okay irrespective of what’s happening. If you have to manage and control your life so that it looks exactly how you think it should, then you are going to limit your opportunities to be happy.
External forces will govern your emotions and your mood will go up and down like a yoyo. However, with the power of praise you enter into a state of joyful existence, flowing from one moment to the next, effortlessly enjoying the journey. By cultivating an attitude of praise, gratitude and love, you don’t have to wait for your life circumstances to improve before you can experience your heart’s greatest desire. You can love life and be happier now!
Join Sandy’s Calm Clan www.calmclan.com if you are interested in meditation, selfempowerment and living fully.